Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Jacket Essay Example For Students
The Jacket Essay In â€Å"The JacketGary Soto uses symbolism to reflect on the characterization and development of the narrarator. Soto seems to focus mainly on a jacket, which has several meanings throughout the story. The jacket is used as a symbol to portray poverty, the narrarators insecurity, and the narrarator’s form of self-destruction. Since the story uses a certain object, the Jacket, as the meaning of several issues, it primarily focuses on the narrarator’s poverty-stricken family. First of all, an example of the poverty is demonstrated when the narrarator complains that the jacket â€Å"was so ugly and big that I knew I’d have to wear it a long time†(paragraph 3). It is clear that his lack of money was a problem in which he would have to keep the jacket because he could not afford a new one. The narrarator then feels embarrassed and upset by the jacket by stating â€Å"I blame my mother for her bad taste and cheap ways†(paragraph 10). By mentioning his mother’s â€Å"cheap†ways he is conveying that he is aggravated because of his mothers option to choose bad and ugly clothes in order to save money. A final way that the jacket is used as a symbol for poverty is implicit when a dog in the story tears the jacket and the narrarator â€Å"†¦ Scotch taped it close but i n rain or cold weather the tape peeled off like Gonzalez 2a scab and more stuffing came out†(paragraph 10). The fact that the narrarator could not fix the torn part of the jacket can indicate that his family is struggling to afford money for themselves. These certain examples help portray the issues of poverty that the narrarator’s family struggles. The Jacket symbolizes poverty as well as the narrarator’s insecurity throughout the story. We will write a custom essay on The Jacket specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now An example of the insecurity that is demonstrated in the story is mentioned when the narrarator’s teachers were of â€Å"no help, they looked his way and talked about how foolish he looked in his new jacket†(paragraph 7). The narrarator feels insecure because of his assumptions that his teachers are making fun of him when in fact, they are not noticing him at all. Further more, he continues to say, â€Å"At lunchtime I stayed with the ugly boys leaned against the chain link fence†¦ our mouths†(paragraph 9). This statement proves the narrarator is having bad luck because of the jacket and is destroying his reputation at school. A third reason why the jacket symbolizes insecurity is because the fact that his classmates see him with the jacket, he feels that they â€Å"†¦say out loud â€Å"man that’s ugly†, I heard the buzz-buzz of gossip and even laughter†Gonzalez 3(paragraph 7). Just as he felt the same as he did in the teacher si tuation, he feels the jacket is something that makes himself like a joke and increases his insecurity. Self- Destruction is a final meaning for the symbolism of the jacket which helps the character develop himself in the story. When the narrarator felt that the jacket was ruining his life, he claimed â€Å"I ran outside, ready to cry, and climbed the tree by the alley to think bad thoughts†(paragraph 10). His bad thoughts were of embarrassment and shame all brought on by the idea of having this certain jacket. Another example was when he had gotten upset and he had thrown the jacket down and he later â€Å"†¦swiped the jacket off the ground and went inside to drape it across his leg and started to mope†(paragraph 11). Showing aggravation towards an object shows his frustration towards himself, realizing that he cannot accept the person he has become with the jacket. Finally, when the narrarator states â€Å"I spent my sixth-grade year in a tree waiting for something good to happen to me in that jacket†(paragraph 10). The narrarator’s expectation to feel useful in the jacket is what makes him happy. .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .postImageUrl , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:hover , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:visited , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:active { border:0!important; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:active , .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8 .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65622d0caa651824070aed0e50ddaeb8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tolstoy's Three Hermits EssayIn conclusion, Gary Soto realizes that without the symbolism of the jacket, there really would be no meaning Gonzalez 4to the story. His use of poverty, insecurity, and self-destruction of the narrarator is what makes the story complete. English Essays
Monday, November 25, 2019
Points of the Compass in Spanish
Points of the Compass in Spanish The directions of the compass in Spanish are vaguely similar to those of English and ultimately come from the same Indo-European roots. However, Spanish also has synonyms for some of the directions as well as special adjective forms that should be learned. Lists of Spanish Words for Directions of the Compass The primary points of the compass include: norte - northeste (or, less commonly, oriente) - eastsur - southoeste (or, less commonly, occidente)- west As in English, the directions can be combined to indicate intermediate points: nornoreste - north-northeastnoreste - northeastestenoreste - east-northeastestesudeste - east-southeastsudeste - southeastsudsudeste - south-southeastsudsudoeste - south-southwestsudoeste - southwestoestesudoeste - west-southwestoestenoroeste - west-northwestnoroeste - northwestnornoroeste - north-northwest In some areas, the use of sur- as the stem meaning south is preferred, so youll also hear the variations such sureste and suroeste alone as well as in combination forms such as sursureste. Combinations using oriente and occidente, such as suroccidente for southwest and nororiente for northeast, are also used. Adjective forms- such as the equivalents of northern and eastern- can be made by preceding the direction with del (literally, of the) as in del norte and del sur to mean northern and southern, respectively. These are indicated below along with the special adjective forms: del norte, norteà ±o, boreal, septentrional - northerndel este, oriental - easterndel sur, sureà ±o, austral, meridional - southerndel oeste, occidental - western To indicate direction of movement, forms such as del oeste or desde el oeste for from the west and hacia el oeste for toward the west are used. Thus, an easterly wind (one coming from the east) is a viento del este, while to say that a door faces east, for example, you could say la puerta mira hacia el este. A few geographical terms use the noun form where the adjectival form might be expected. In particular, the north and south poles are often called the polo norte and polo sur, respectively. Similarly, the northern and southern hemispheres are often called the hemisferio norte and hemisferio sur, respectively, although terms such as hemisferio boreal can also be used. Capitalization of Directions Normally, directions, whether as nouns or adjectives, are not capitalized in Spanish. However, they typically are capitalized when referring to a recognized region. For example: Antes de la guerra de Secesià ³n, la tensià ³n entre el Norte y el Sur era extrema. (Before the Civil War, the tensions between the North and the South was extreme.) However, if you were referring just to the southern U.S. in general, rather the specific states that form a recognized region, capitalization would not be necessary. Directions also are capitalized when part of a name, such as in Carolina del Norte (North Carolina), Corea del Sur (South Korea), and Mercado Comà ºn del Sur (the formal name for the Mercosur, an international South American trading market). Key Takeaways The four main directions of the compass in Spanish come from the same historic roots as the English terms and thus are vaguely similar.The four main directions can be combined to indicate intermediate points, such as noroeste for northwest.Special adjective forms, not always similar to the names of the directions, are sometimes in use. Sample Sentences for Compass Directions Habà a cuatro muertos y muchos heridos en accidente de autobà ºs en el norte de Colombia. (There were four deaths and many injured in a bus accident in northern Columbia.) Gracias a su privilegiada ubicacià ³n geogrfica, el Sudeste Asitico ha sido una regià ³n que ha crecido econà ³micamente en las à ºltimas dà ©cadas. (Thanks to its favorable geographical location, Southeast Asia has been a region that has grown economically in recent decades.) Alrededor de 200 personas participaron en el chapuzà ³n ms austral del mundo. (About 200 people participated in the worlds most southern ocean dip.) Los vientos alcanzaron una velocidad de 50 kilà ³metros por hora desde el nornoroeste. (The winds reached a speed of 50 kilometers per hour from the north-northwest.) La nocià ³n de que ideas occidentales son subversivas ha sido recibida con amplia incredulidad, particularmente entre intelectuales. (The notion that Western ideas are subversive has been received with great incredulity, particularly among intellectuals.) La Antrtida es el continente ms austral de la Tierra. (Antarctica is the Earths most southerly continent.) Sur global es un tà ©rmino utilizado en estudios postcoloniales y transnacionales que puede referirse tanto al tercer mundo como al conjunto de paà ses en và as de desarrollo. (Global south is a term used in postcolonial and transnational studies that can refer to the third world as a combination of the developing countries.)
Friday, November 22, 2019
An Evaluation of the Relevance and Utility of Lean Manufacturing Approach to the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Principles of Lean manufacturing in supply chain management Lean thinking is a concept that describes a production philosophy aiming for progressive elimination of waste whist safeguarding the critical value (Ende 2011). According to (Sople 2012: 113), the principles of Lean manufacturing are â€Å"customer value, value stream analysis, demand pull, continuous flow, and waste elimination.†The purpose of a Lean supply chain network is to bring the lowest cost in differential customer value, which can be met through collaborative priorities in demand, real-time information on markets, and logistics delivery efficiencies, to name a few. The concept of networks of supply chain partners suggests that the success of companies is through their constant origination from new networks of supply chain partners in order to meet certain objectives. As a general rule, these constantly developing networks can act in response to the dynamic characteristic of customer demand (Sople 2012). The manufacturing function must not be the only domain to whic h Lean principles must be applied. Rather, it must also be applied across organisations in the supply chain to decrease the wastes usually associated with supply chain operations. The full benefit of Lean manufacturing and supply chain management necessitates that the scope of Lean implementations must go beyond a single function and must be structured as a part of managing relationships with customers and suppliers (Lambert 2008). It may therefore be analysed that with the adoption of Lean techniques, the management is tasked to align corporate activities with Lean manufacturing in supply chain management across organisational functions. Lean thinking also allows the organisation to direct business relationships with customers and suppliers. Application of Lean Principles Lean thinking is apparently applicable to pharmaceutical development and manufacturing (Wigglesworth and Wood, 2012). Lambert (2008) states that whilst the various material flows as well as flows of goods and information are the focus of Lean supply chain operations, Lean application to the management of supply chains is further from the physical flows of inventory. It also takes account of the entirety of the business relationship amongst firms. When a firm applies Lean manufacturing concepts to its supply chain management, it begins to focus on value drivers; revenue development; asset efficiency, and reductions in cost, inventory, and working capital. All of these are apparently beneficial to an organisation. Applying Lean thinking to supply chain management is very likely since both of them share commonalities, such as long-term perspectives, value and customer creation; systems view; and structured business relationships;amongst others (Lambert 2008). These commonalities indicate how much Lean thinking and supply chain management lend to each other. Based on this, one can conclude that Lean approaches are aligned to supply chain management and that the two are generally not in contrast with each other. Potential advantages of Lean approach to managing quality and efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry One of the potential advantages of Lean approach in the pharmaceutical industry is the reduction of cost of goods in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. The implementation of Lean thinking can be carried out by developing workflows and infrastructures to reduce inventories (Ende 2011), which are in fact a target of quality and efficiency efforts within pharmaceutical companies. The concept of continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical companies deals with the challenge of overproduction, which leads to surplus inventory and longer cycle teams. These are the focus of efficiency on which pharmaceutical companies must be engaged. Its significance is seen in the fact that excess inventory is considered the greatest waste because it brings upon itself certain costs related to the management, storage, and transport of inventories adding to the waste (Schneider 2010). Therefore, when Lean techniques are used, such wastes are reduced, if not totally eliminated within the pharmaceu tical firm. Novartis and H. Lundbeck case studies Novartis is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical firms (Abreau 2013). The upstream part of its supply chain indicates flow of information and full visibility. Novartis uses product-to-demand technique based on demand, whereby its daily variable demand stream is integrated to production (AMR Research 2006). Between its levels of supply chain are limited visibility and flow of information (Abreau 2013). Despite being ranked number 2 behind Pfizer in cost of goods sold in 2006, Novartis decided to take on Lean principles and become the â€Å"Toyota of pharmaceuticals.†Using Lean principles, the company is focused on reducing its cycle time to 70 per cent and reducing spending by 40 per cent, as well as pursuing continuous manufacturing with raw materials going in one end of the chain and finished products coming out the other (AMR Research 2007). Along with this is the reengineering of every process and role, leveraging information technology, and setting up process-oriented teams in the absence of first-line supervisors so that personnel would report directly to one team leader (Shanley 2004). Here, one can see the application of Lean techniques to Novartis’ supply chain, thereby helping the company to improve its internal processes and eliminate waste. Lundbeck, on the other hand, is an international pharmaceutical firm that began its Lean adoption in 2005. The company went through certain phases in its Lean adoption, such as building consensus in the management group and running a range of Lean events and building a culture around these events. In the first phase, Lundbeck implemented 40 Lean events assisted by external experts, followed by 70 to 80 Lean events each year, with all personnel in the supply chain being involved (Simpler Consulting 2010). Through its adoption of Lean principles in its supply chain, the company was able to cut costs by 25 per cent. Workflow analysis within the organisation is also aided by video cameras, which leads to further improvements. Part of its Lean techniques adoption is the use of large bags instead of small box packaging, which reduced production delays from four hours to only an hour (Miller 2012). Is Lean appropriate to the pharmaceutical supply chain? Yes, Lean techniques are appropriate to the pharmaceutical supply chain. Despite Lean thinking’s origination from Toyota manufacturing, its adoption is still suitable to the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, its applicability is seen in the number of pharmaceutical companies that continue to adopt Lean manufacturing techniques. Although many of these techniques cannot be taken on to the more complex pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, their adoption mirrors the pursuit of increased optimisation (Shanley 200). Boyer and Verma (2010) surmise that whilst the original focus of developing Lean thinking is the manufacture of automobiles, it can still be applied to other industries. This is because Lean approach is more than a set of techniques but is a mindset for all personnel and managers who are focused on waste elimination and reduction of variability in the entirety of the business process. The advantage of Lean’s adoption in the pharmaceutical industry is the ability of pharmaceutical companies to experience logical rhythm through the supply chain. With the Lean enterprise, adaptive supply chain is carried out, causing the whole organisation to possess real-time process visualisation (Hafeli 2006). Argument for agility in the pharmaceutical supply chain Pharmaceutical companies are inclined to be bureaucratic, which results in several wastes in internal processes. With the application of Lean principles, pharmaceutical companies are able to strengthen their relative agility (Radeka 2013). This would mean that despite the relative limitation of the application of Lean principles in the pharmaceutical supply chain as pointed by WCI Consulting Limited (2011), the result is still improved agility in the supply chain. Apparently, the need for agility in supply chain management is founded on decreasing product life cycles and demand patterns of increasingly volatile markets. Sweeney (2009) points out that Lean is not enough, that agility in supply chain is required because of emphasis on speed, with time being a major competitive weapon. This argument is reasonable given the rapidly changing market in which pharmaceutical companies operate. However, as emphasised above, Lean thinking is also applicable to the pharmaceutical industry. An argument arising about the adoption of Lean thinking in the pharmaceutical industry is the risk that goes with it. Such adoption is said to put the supply chain to increased vulnerability to disruptions and unpredictable events due to lack of slack on which to withdraw. With Lean techniques making the supply chain vulnerable, a question that may come up is whether this would mean Lean is not suitable at all. The answer is pharmaceutical companies can apply Lean techniques to cut costs and adopt agility in order to obtain supply chain resilience, as pointed out by WCI Consulting Limited (2011). Conclusion This paper provides a critical analysis of the relevance and utility of Lean techniques in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Lean thinking allows the elimination of wastes and cost reduction in pharmaceutical companies. Lean supply chain considers the entirety of the business relationship amongst firms. Reduced costs of goods and reduced inventories are the potential advantages of Lean approach in the pharmaceutical industry. Novartis and Lundbeck case studies provide an example where Lean techniques and supply chain management become integrated. Despite the effectiveness of agility in supply chain management, Lean cannot be set aside as a valuable tool. References Abreau, P. E. M. (2013) An ANP Model to Support Decision-Making in a Portuguese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Reterived on March 22, 2014 from AMR Research (2006) Supply Chain Saves the World. US: AMR Research, Inc. AMR Research (2007) Risk!: Navigating an Uncertain World. US: AMR Research Inc. Boyer, K. and Verma, R. (2010) Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century. First Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Ende, D. J. (2011) Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry: RD to Manufacturing. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Hafeli, R. (2006) Enabling Lean and Compliant Manufacturing at Novartis with SAP. Denver: SAP Adaptive Manufacturing Summit, September 28. Lambert, D. M. (2008) Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance. Sarasota, FL: Supply Chain Management Institute. Miller, G. (2012) Lean Earns Lundbeck Big Prize, Cost Cuts. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Radeka, K. (2013) The Mastery of Innovation: A Field Guide to Lean Product Development. NW: CRC Press. Schneider, O. (2010) Adding Enterprise Value: Mitigating Investment Decision Risks by Assessing the Economic Value of Supply Chain Initiatives. Zurich: vdf Hochshulverlag AG Shanley, A. (2004) Novartis Goes Lean. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Simpler Consulting (2010) Lean Management of the Pharmaceutical Sector Brings Increased Efficiency and Improved Quality While Increasing Profits. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Sople, V. V. (2012) Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. Sweeney, E. (2009) Lean, Agile and Resilient Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: Jargon or ActionIrish Pharmachem Buyers Guide (September), 38-39. WCI Consulting Limited (2011) Keeping the Supply Chain Agile. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Wigglesworth, M. and Wood, T. (2012) Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag Co. An Evaluation of the Relevance and Utility of Lean Manufacturing Approach to the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Principles of Lean manufacturing in supply chain management Lean thinking is a concept that describes a production philosophy aiming for progressive elimination of waste whist safeguarding the critical value (Ende 2011). According to (Sople 2012: 113), the principles of Lean manufacturing are â€Å"customer value, value stream analysis, demand pull, continuous flow, and waste elimination.†The purpose of a Lean supply chain network is to bring the lowest cost in differential customer value, which can be met through collaborative priorities in demand, real-time information on markets, and logistics delivery efficiencies, to name a few. The concept of networks of supply chain partners suggests that the success of companies is through their constant origination from new networks of supply chain partners in order to meet certain objectives. As a general rule, these constantly developing networks can act in response to the dynamic characteristic of customer demand (Sople 2012). The manufacturing function must not be the only domain to whic h Lean principles must be applied. Rather, it must also be applied across organisations in the supply chain to decrease the wastes usually associated with supply chain operations. The full benefit of Lean manufacturing and supply chain management necessitates that the scope of Lean implementations must go beyond a single function and must be structured as a part of managing relationships with customers and suppliers (Lambert 2008). It may therefore be analysed that with the adoption of Lean techniques, the management is tasked to align corporate activities with Lean manufacturing in supply chain management across organisational functions. Lean thinking also allows the organisation to direct business relationships with customers and suppliers. Application of Lean Principles Lean thinking is apparently applicable to pharmaceutical development and manufacturing (Wigglesworth and Wood, 2012). Lambert (2008) states that whilst the various material flows as well as flows of goods and information are the focus of Lean supply chain operations, Lean application to the management of supply chains is further from the physical flows of inventory. It also takes account of the entirety of the business relationship amongst firms. When a firm applies Lean manufacturing concepts to its supply chain management, it begins to focus on value drivers; revenue development; asset efficiency, and reductions in cost, inventory, and working capital. All of these are apparently beneficial to an organisation. Applying Lean thinking to supply chain management is very likely since both of them share commonalities, such as long-term perspectives, value and customer creation; systems view; and structured business relationships;amongst others (Lambert 2008). These commonalities indicate how much Lean thinking and supply chain management lend to each other. Based on this, one can conclude that Lean approaches are aligned to supply chain management and that the two are generally not in contrast with each other. Potential advantages of Lean approach to managing quality and efficiency in the pharmaceutical industry One of the potential advantages of Lean approach in the pharmaceutical industry is the reduction of cost of goods in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. The implementation of Lean thinking can be carried out by developing workflows and infrastructures to reduce inventories (Ende 2011), which are in fact a target of quality and efficiency efforts within pharmaceutical companies. The concept of continuous manufacturing in pharmaceutical companies deals with the challenge of overproduction, which leads to surplus inventory and longer cycle teams. These are the focus of efficiency on which pharmaceutical companies must be engaged. Its significance is seen in the fact that excess inventory is considered the greatest waste because it brings upon itself certain costs related to the management, storage, and transport of inventories adding to the waste (Schneider 2010). Therefore, when Lean techniques are used, such wastes are reduced, if not totally eliminated within the pharmaceu tical firm. Novartis and H. Lundbeck case studies Novartis is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical firms (Abreau 2013). The upstream part of its supply chain indicates flow of information and full visibility. Novartis uses product-to-demand technique based on demand, whereby its daily variable demand stream is integrated to production (AMR Research 2006). Between its levels of supply chain are limited visibility and flow of information (Abreau 2013). Despite being ranked number 2 behind Pfizer in cost of goods sold in 2006, Novartis decided to take on Lean principles and become the â€Å"Toyota of pharmaceuticals.†Using Lean principles, the company is focused on reducing its cycle time to 70 per cent and reducing spending by 40 per cent, as well as pursuing continuous manufacturing with raw materials going in one end of the chain and finished products coming out the other (AMR Research 2007). Along with this is the reengineering of every process and role, leveraging information technology, and setting up process-oriented teams in the absence of first-line supervisors so that personnel would report directly to one team leader (Shanley 2004). Here, one can see the application of Lean techniques to Novartis’ supply chain, thereby helping the company to improve its internal processes and eliminate waste. Lundbeck, on the other hand, is an international pharmaceutical firm that began its Lean adoption in 2005. The company went through certain phases in its Lean adoption, such as building consensus in the management group and running a range of Lean events and building a culture around these events. In the first phase, Lundbeck implemented 40 Lean events assisted by external experts, followed by 70 to 80 Lean events each year, with all personnel in the supply chain being involved (Simpler Consulting 2010). Through its adoption of Lean principles in its supply chain, the company was able to cut costs by 25 per cent. Workflow analysis within the organisation is also aided by video cameras, which leads to further improvements. Part of its Lean techniques adoption is the use of large bags instead of small box packaging, which reduced production delays from four hours to only an hour (Miller 2012). Is Lean appropriate to the pharmaceutical supply chain? Yes, Lean techniques are appropriate to the pharmaceutical supply chain. Despite Lean thinking’s origination from Toyota manufacturing, its adoption is still suitable to the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, its applicability is seen in the number of pharmaceutical companies that continue to adopt Lean manufacturing techniques. Although many of these techniques cannot be taken on to the more complex pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, their adoption mirrors the pursuit of increased optimisation (Shanley 200). Boyer and Verma (2010) surmise that whilst the original focus of developing Lean thinking is the manufacture of automobiles, it can still be applied to other industries. This is because Lean approach is more than a set of techniques but is a mindset for all personnel and managers who are focused on waste elimination and reduction of variability in the entirety of the business process. The advantage of Lean’s adoption in the pharmaceutical industry is the ability of pharmaceutical companies to experience logical rhythm through the supply chain. With the Lean enterprise, adaptive supply chain is carried out, causing the whole organisation to possess real-time process visualisation (Hafeli 2006). Argument for agility in the pharmaceutical supply chain Pharmaceutical companies are inclined to be bureaucratic, which results in several wastes in internal processes. With the application of Lean principles, pharmaceutical companies are able to strengthen their relative agility (Radeka 2013). This would mean that despite the relative limitation of the application of Lean principles in the pharmaceutical supply chain as pointed by WCI Consulting Limited (2011), the result is still improved agility in the supply chain. Apparently, the need for agility in supply chain management is founded on decreasing product life cycles and demand patterns of increasingly volatile markets. Sweeney (2009) points out that Lean is not enough, that agility in supply chain is required because of emphasis on speed, with time being a major competitive weapon. This argument is reasonable given the rapidly changing market in which pharmaceutical companies operate. However, as emphasised above, Lean thinking is also applicable to the pharmaceutical industry. An argument arising about the adoption of Lean thinking in the pharmaceutical industry is the risk that goes with it. Such adoption is said to put the supply chain to increased vulnerability to disruptions and unpredictable events due to lack of slack on which to withdraw. With Lean techniques making the supply chain vulnerable, a question that may come up is whether this would mean Lean is not suitable at all. The answer is pharmaceutical companies can apply Lean techniques to cut costs and adopt agility in order to obtain supply chain resilience, as pointed out by WCI Consulting Limited (2011). Conclusion This paper provides a critical analysis of the relevance and utility of Lean techniques in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Lean thinking allows the elimination of wastes and cost reduction in pharmaceutical companies. Lean supply chain considers the entirety of the business relationship amongst firms. Reduced costs of goods and reduced inventories are the potential advantages of Lean approach in the pharmaceutical industry. Novartis and Lundbeck case studies provide an example where Lean techniques and supply chain management become integrated. Despite the effectiveness of agility in supply chain management, Lean cannot be set aside as a valuable tool. References Abreau, P. E. M. (2013) An ANP Model to Support Decision-Making in a Portuguese Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Reterived on March 22, 2014 from AMR Research (2006) Supply Chain Saves the World. US: AMR Research, Inc. AMR Research (2007) Risk!: Navigating an Uncertain World. US: AMR Research Inc. Boyer, K. and Verma, R. (2010) Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century. First Edition. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Ende, D. J. (2011) Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry: RD to Manufacturing. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Hafeli, R. (2006) Enabling Lean and Compliant Manufacturing at Novartis with SAP. Denver: SAP Adaptive Manufacturing Summit, September 28. Lambert, D. M. (2008) Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance. Sarasota, FL: Supply Chain Management Institute. Miller, G. (2012) Lean Earns Lundbeck Big Prize, Cost Cuts. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Radeka, K. (2013) The Mastery of Innovation: A Field Guide to Lean Product Development. NW: CRC Press. Schneider, O. (2010) Adding Enterprise Value: Mitigating Investment Decision Risks by Assessing the Economic Value of Supply Chain Initiatives. Zurich: vdf Hochshulverlag AG Shanley, A. (2004) Novartis Goes Lean. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Simpler Consulting (2010) Lean Management of the Pharmaceutical Sector Brings Increased Efficiency and Improved Quality While Increasing Profits. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Sople, V. V. (2012) Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd. Sweeney, E. (2009) Lean, Agile and Resilient Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: Jargon or ActionIrish Pharmachem Buyers Guide (September), 38-39. WCI Consulting Limited (2011) Keeping the Supply Chain Agile. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Wigglesworth, M. and Wood, T. (2012) Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications. Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag Co.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7
Case study - Essay Example The following study will analyze and deduce the feasibility of the company and its requirement of $1 million. Joe’s Enterprises for Fast Food is a premium brand in the market of fast foods. It has gained immense popularity in the downtown Chicago, even though it does not have many selling points or carts at present. The USP of Joe’s is to provide healthy, natural and fresh food at competitive prices. It has grown impressively from a single cart company to a more than a million dollar enterprise. The company is primarily targeting the office workers with competitively priced fast food, which are high in nutritional value and are fresh and hygienic. The company wants to As mentioned the company is looking at a micro but profitable market. But again, it is a risky proposition to depend on a single market, even though it is competitively priced and has gained popularity. The present market may be the â€Å"star†for the company, but it still requires â€Å"cash cows†to boost its revenue and operating profit. Joe’s Enterprises should look beyond its present market and should implement plans to venture into new markets with innovative distribution system. The company can foray into restaurants and take away outlets to have a large bas of customers. And with its popularity will definitely reap returns in the long run. The current ratio is a very popular ratio and measures the ability of the firm to manage current liabilities. The higher the current ration the higher the short-term solvency. The current ratio of the firm is not high and hence it is looking for the loan for expansion. This ratio measures how efficiently assets are employed. This ratio is also akin to the output-capital ratio used in financial analysis. At the current rate we can assume that there is a proper utilization of assets and this may also help
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sony strategic management and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Sony strategic management and leadership - Essay Example According to Sony’s C.E.O, the company’s mission is to challenge the designers, producers and engineers in order to improve their software and hardware and eventually advance its differentiation process towards its competition (Badawy, 2009). Sony has renowned heritage of creativeness and innovativeness. Sony boasts of having products in the electronic, games, entertainment, and still participate in the provision of financial service sectors (Flugge, 2008). In this regard, this essay will delve on a critical analysis of Sony’s strategic management and leadership. More so, it will analyze Sony’s marketing advantage with supportive evidence. (1) - Sony corporation success Traditionally, Sony was known as a great innovator that managed to transform the entire categories of electronics with unique products like the PlayStation game console and Walkman music player. More so, Sony was in a position to command premium prices for its top-quality products (Gao, Men g, Steve, 2008). Therefore, Sony did not only the electronic industry but it also changed the world because Sony brought about smaller portable devices to the market, which is contrary to the old electronic devices that were bulky and inefficient. Sony has tremendously grown in market share and profitability (Ajami, 2006). Numerous evidence portrays this growth, for instance in the year 2006, Sony topped a Harris poll as the best brand which was the seventh time consecutively, while dell and coca- cola took the second and third positions. In 2004, Forbes ranked Sony as the 72nd largest company in the world. Recently, in January 2013, Sony scooped the So-net Entertainment Corporation award. According to Interbrand Top 100 Global Brand 2011, Sony emerged position thirty-six among other a hundred brands (Anonymous 2012). Prior to successful market share, Sony boasts of diverse and effective employees who in the year 2011 they were ranging at 168,200. On February 25, 2013, Sony sold a 6 .0% stake of a 55.8%-owned subsidiary (Minato-Ku, 2013). Factors that have contributed to Sony’s success Sony’s main contributor to its success is its unique variety of brands that match up the latest modern world. The company manufactures television screens and projector, cameras, home theatre systems, computer hardware, mobile phones, and car entertainment devices (Plunkett, 2008). Additionally, Sony manufactures home recording devices, storage media, and charging devices (Nargundkar, 2006). Ideally, Sony has further divided some of its products into other sub categories especially for the television products. This has made the company able to service its market through the innovation of tailor made products that suit their various clients. These customers include households, offices, and public gatherings. Hence, Sony’s success comes from due to the ability of the company to produce products that are able to meet the needs of their customers without financial constraints as their quality dictates the price (Ferrell & Hartline, 2011). Moreover, Sony also uses strategic marketing skills to the improvement in sales capacity. These marketing strategies include market mix, online marketing among many others. Ideally, Sony has managed to use its favorable public rapport to maintain significant relations with its employees, consumers and other relevant stakeholders (Shajahan, 2004). The use of its
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The novel Frankenstein Essay Example for Free
The novel Frankenstein Essay Evil in many individuals is seen as having qualities tending to injury and mischief or as having a nature or properties which tend to negative behavior. The theme of evil is very important to the novel Frankenstein. It is important because, everyone, at one point or time, is seen as evil. Just because they are perceived as evil, it doesnt necessarily mean that they are evil. Everyone can possess the qualities of being evil but that doesnt mean that they should be perceived as evil. In relation to the novel, everyone sees things from their own point of view which therefore creates a whole misunderstanding of the word evil. At the beginning of the novel, a monster is brought into the world by his creator, Frankenstein. Frankensteins dream was to create this monster but it turns out to be what he least expects it to be. Frankenstein perceives the monster as a thing of evil from the moment he brings it to life. Frankenstein than in turn hates the monster. He spent 2 years of his life working on infusing life, into an inanimate body, to than in turn hate it because he perceives it as evil. Frankenstein than abandons the monster because he is disappointed with what he created. The reason he perceives the monster as evil is based mainly on the physical appearance. The monsters muscles and arteries were still showing, and he displayed physical characteristics that would be seen as irregular to society. He believed these irregularities were seen as evil, which in the end, resulted in the desertion of the monster. Since the monster had been abandoned, it ends up wandering into a forest and runs across a town. The villagers visualize it and in turn, throw stones and many other missile weapons at it. This forces it to take refuge back into the forest. This is the first clue that the monster realizes. It eventually sees the problem that he possesses. It sees that it its physical appearance is rather grotesque and apprehends the fact that this may be why he was seen as an outcast to the villagers. On his continued adventure into the woods he comes across a cottage which is occupied by people. It sees this as a chance to be socially accepted into the world. With the physical characteristics, that the monster possesses, he comes to the conclusion that he must understand the human nature to a certain extent, to ensure that he will be accepted into society. It spends the majority of a year outside of the cottage studying up on the human behavior of these cottagers. It recognizes that they possess the ability to communicate through sounds. It attempts to learn the language that they speak, so he could communicate with them verbally. It wants to communicate with them verbally to ensure that they might see it as more human-like than previously discovered. It also attempts to help the family out by surprising them with jobs that were mysteriously accomplished. All this knowledge and help still does not help out the chances of fitting in with the family.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Praise And Strife Of A Her :: essays research papers
The Praise and Strife of a Hero The definition of a hero is dependent on that society's beliefs, laws and taboos. There are heroes for all ages and for both men and women. Heroes have had changing roles since man wrote his story, and all have been the embodiment of each society, each civilization's ideals. Basketball superstar, Michael Jordan, largely affects the children of today that are enthralled with visions of hoop dreams. He inspires the young depraved ghetto child to rise up against his unfortunate circumstances. Possessing many noteworthy qualities, all heroes possess faults because they are human and all humans possess failings. Because heroes begin to fold and make mistakes as they are suddenly thrust into the awe inspired limelight, and because their pedestals are broken and discarded as the public craves to see the dirt underneath the hero. Heroes are a product of a society's perception of someone to be praised. To be able to praise a hero, that hero must not only be a marvel but that hero must also be humble. Failings in heroes are only natural, they are human and all humans possess faults. All human beings are born and die with character traits, which can be, at the most basic level, perceived as being helpful or as being harmful, depending on the character's viewpoint. People are regularly regarded as having traits ranging from the most trivial as being a perfectionist, to the most weighty, such as being a coward. These traits form the basis of human personality and define the individual's personal nature. Ideal heroes are perceived differently in different periods of history. In Chaucer's Prologue of the Canterbury Tales a worthy man is described. He is a chivalrous knight who prided himself on his own personal truth, honor, freedom, and courtesy. Chaucer's view of a hero is one who is without fault, truly the epitome of goodness. Heroes are also praised by society because the hero takes on much of society's own stress. Heroes are under severe stress and live a life of duress and begin to commit errors as the level of pressure begins to catapult. Heroes are continuously placed under pressure by all who surround them, convinced that the object of their attention can not fail under any circumstances. They grow self-centered and absolute followers of themselves and expect the same-undeserved treatment from others. As Beowulf often takes pride in his work, proclaiming that he slew Grendel, that he rescued the damsel in distress, without any help needed, or offered from any persons.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Steel Design
STEEL BEAM DESIGN Laterally Unrestrained Beam Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 1 Non-dimensional slenderness Beam behaviour analogous to yielding/buckling of columns. M Wyfy Material yielding (in-plane bending) MEd MEd Elastic member buckling Mcr Lcr 1. 0 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Non-dimensional slenderness Unrestrained Beam ? LT 2 Lateral torsional buckling Lateral torsional buckling Lateral torsional buckling is the member buckling mode associated with slender beams loaded about their major axis, without continuous lateral restraint.If continuous lateral restraint is provided to the beam, then lateral torsional buckling will be prevented and failure will occur in another mode, generally in-plane bending (and/or shear). Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 3 Eurocode 3 Eurocode 3 states, as with BS 5950, that both crosssectional and member bending resistance must be verified: MEd ? Mc ,Rd Cross-section check (In-plane bending) MEd ? Mb,Rd Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unr estrained Beam Member buckling check 4 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 5 Laterally Unrestrained BeamThe design of beam in this Lecture 3 is considering beams in which either no lateral restraint or only intermittent lateral restraint is provided to the compression flange Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 6 Lateral Torsional Buckling Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 7 Lateral Torsional Buckling Figure 3-1 shows an unrestrained beam subjected to load increment. The compression flange unrestrained and beam is not stiff enough. There is a tendency for the beam to deform sideways and twist about the longitudinal axis. The failure mode which may occur to the beam is called lateral torsional buckling.Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 8 ?Involves both deflection and twisting rotation ?Out-of plane buckling. Bending Resistance M c, Rd ? M pl ? W pl f y ?M0 Due to the effect of LTB, the bending resistance of cross section become less. Failure may occurs earlier then expected Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 9 Examples of Laterally Unrestrained Beam Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 10 Restrained Beam Comparsion Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 11 Intermittent Lateral Restrained Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 12Torsional restraint Usually both flanges are held in their relative positions by external members during bending. May be provided by load bearing stiffeners or provision of adequate end connection details. See Figure 3-4. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 13 Beam without torsional restraint Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 14 Can be discounted when: †¢ Minor axis bending †¢ CHS, SHS, circular or square bar †¢ Fully laterally restrained beams †¢ ? LT< 0. 2 (or 0. 4 in some cases) – Unrestrained length Cross-sectional shape End restrained condition The moment along the beam Loading – tension or compression Unrestrained Beam 16Dr. A Azi z Saim 2010 EC3 Lateral torsional buckling resistance Checks should be carried out on all unrestrained segments of beams (between the points where lateral restraint exists). Lateral restraint Lateral restraint Lcr = 1. 0 L Lateral restraint Beam on plan Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 17 Three methods to check LTB in EC3: †¢ The primary method adopts the lateral torsional buckling curves given by equations 6. 56 and 6. 57, and is set out in clause 6. 3. 2. 2 (general case) and clause 6. 3. 2. 3 (for rolled sections and equivalent welded sections). The second is a simplified assessment method for beams with restraints in buildings, and is set out in clause 6. 3. 2. 4. †¢ The third is a general method for lateral and lateral torsional buckling of structural components, given in clause 6. 3. 4. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 18 Eurocode 3 states, as with BS 5950, that both cross-sectional and member bending resistance must be verified: MEd ? Mc ,Rd Cros s-section check (In-plane bending) MEd ? Mb,Rd Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam Member buckling check 19 Lateral-torsional buckling Eurocode 3 design approach for lateral torsional buckling is analogous to the olumn buckling treatment. The design buckling resistance Mb,Rd of a laterally unrestrained beam (or segment of beam) should be taken as: Mb,Rd ? ?LT Wy fy ? M1 Reduction factor for LTB Lateral torsional buckling resistance: Mb,Rd = ?LT Wy fy ? M1 Equation (6. 55) Wy will be Wpl,y or Wel,y ?LT Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 is the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling Unrestrained Beam 21 Buckling curves – general case (Cl 6. 3. 2. 2) Lateral torsional buckling curves for the general case are given below : (as in Eq (6. 56)) ?LT ? 1 2 ? LT ? ?LT ? ?2 LT but ? LT ? 1. 0 ?LT ? 0. 5 [ 1 ? ?LT (? LT ? 0. ) ? ?2 ] LT Plateau length Imperfection factor from Table 6. 3 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 22 Imperfection factor ? LT Imperfection factors ? LT for 4 buckling curves: (refer Table 6. 3) Buckling curve Imperfection factor ? LT a 0. 21 b 0. 34 c 0. 49 d 0. 76 Buckling curve selection For the general case, refer to Table 6. 4: Cross-section Rolled I-sections Welded Isections Limits h/b ? 2 h/b > 2 h/b ? 2 h/b > 2 – Buckling curve a b c d d Other crosssections Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 24 LTB curves 4 buckling curves for LTB (a, b, c and d) 1. 2 Reduction factor ? LT . 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0 0. 5 1 1. 5 Curve a Curve b Curve c Curve d 2 2. 5 0. 2 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Non-dimensional slenderness Unrestrained Beam ?LT 25 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 26 lateral torsional buckling slenderness ? LT Mcr ? Wy f y Mcr Elastic critical buckling moment Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 27 Non-dimensional slenderness †¢ Calculate lateral torsional buckling slenderness: ? LT ? Wy f y Mcr †¢ Buckling curves as for compression (except curve a0) †¢ Wy depends on section classification †¢ Mcr is the elastic critical LTB moment Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3Unrestrained Beam 28 BS EN 1993-1-1 does not give a method for determining the elastic critical moment for lateraltorsional buckling Mcr !!!!!!!! May use ‘LTBeam’ software (can be downloaded from CTICM website) Or may use method presented by L. Gardner †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 29 Mcr under uniform moment For typical end conditions, and under uniform moment the elastic critical lateral torsional buckling moment Mcr is: Mcr ,0 G IT Iw Iz Lcr ? EIz ? 2 Lcr 2 ? Iw Lcr GIT ? ? ? 2 ? ? EIz ? ? Iz 2 0. 5 is the shear modulus is the torsion constant is the warping constant is the inor axis second moment of area is the buckling length of the beam Unrestrained Beam 30 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Mcr under non-uniform moment Numerical solutions have been calculated for a number of other loading conditions. For uniform doubly-symmetric cross-sections, loaded through the shear centre at the level of the centroidal axis, and with the standard conditions of restraint described, Mcr may be calculated by: ? EIz Mcr ? C1 2 Lcr 2 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam ? Iw Lcr GIT ? ? ? 2 ? ? EIz ? ? Iz 2 0. 5 31 C1 factor – end momentsFor end moment loading C1 may be approximated by the equation below, though other approximations also exist. C1= 1. 88 – 1. 40y + 0. 52y2 but C1 ? 2. 70 where y is the ratio of the end moments (defined in the following table). Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 32 C1 factor – transverse loading Loading and support conditions Bending moment diagram Value of C1 1. 132 1. 285 1. 365 1. 565 1. 046 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 33 Design procedure for LTB Design procedure for LTB: 1. Determine BMD and SFD from design loads 2. Select section and determine geometry 3. Classify cross-section (Class 1, 2, 3 or 4) 4.Determine effective (buckling) length Lcr – depends on bounda ry conditions and load level 5. Calculate Mcr and Wyfy Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 34 Design procedure for LTB 6. Non-dimensional slenderness ? LT ? Wy fy Mcr 7. Determine imperfection factor ? LT 8. Calculate buckling reduction factor ? LT 9. Design buckling resistance 10. Check Mb,Rd ? ?LT Wy fy ? M1 MEd ? 1. 0 Mb,Rd for each unrestrained portion Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 35 LTB Example General arrangement Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 36 LTB Example Design loading is as follows: 425. 1 kN A B C 319. 6 kN D 2. 5 m 3. 2 m 5. 1 mLoading Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 37 LTB Example 267. 1 kN A B D 52. 5 kN SF C 477. 6 kN Shear force diagram B A C D BM 1194 kNm 1362 kNm Bending moment diagram Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 38 LTB Example For the purposes of this example, lateral torsional buckling curves for the general case will be utilised. Lateral torsional buckling checks to be carried out on segments BC and CD. By inspection, segment AB is not critical. Try 762? 267? 173 UB in grade S 275 steel. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 39 LTB Example b z tw h d y y r z tf h = 762. 2 mm b = 266. 7 mm tw = 14. 3 mm tf = 21. 6 mm r = 16. mm A = 22000 mm2 Wy,pl = 6198? 103 mm3 Iz = 68. 50? 106 mm4 It = 2670? 103 mm4 Iw = 9390? 109 mm6 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 40 LTB Example For a nominal material thickness (tf = 21. 6 mm and tw = 14. 3 mm) of between 16 mm and 40 mm the nominal values of yield strength fy for grade S 275 steel (to EN 10025-2) is 265 N/mm2. From clause 3. 2. 6: N/mm2. E = 210000 N/mm2 and G ? 81000 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 41 LTB Example Cross-section classification (clause 5. 5. 2): e ? 235 / fy ? 235 / 265 ? 0. 94 Outstand flanges (Table 5. 2, sheet 2) cf = (b – tw – 2r) / 2 = 109. 7 mm cf / tf = 109. 7 / 21. 6 = 5. 8 Limit for Class 1 flange = 9e = 8. 48 > 5. 08 ? Flange is Class 1 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Bea m 42 LTB Example Web – internal part in bending (Table 5. 2, sheet 1) cw = h – 2tf – 2r = 686. 0 mm cw / tw= 686. 0 / 14. 3 = 48. 0 Limit for Class 1 web = 72 e = 67. 8 > 48. 0 ? Web is Class 1 Overall cross-section classification is therefore Class 1. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 43 LTB Example Bending resistance of cross-section (clause 6. 2. 5): Mc ,y,Rd ? Wpl,y fy ? M0 for Class 1 and 2 sec tions 6198 ? 103 ? 265 ? ? 1642 ? 106 Nmm 1. 0 ? 1642 kNm ? 1362 kNm ? Cross-section resistance in bending is OK.Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 44 LTB Example Lateral torsional buckling check (clause 6. 3. 2. 2) – Segment BC: MEd ? 1362 kNm Mb ,Rd ? ? LT Wy fy ? M1 where Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 sections Determine Mcr for segment BC (Lcr = 3200 mm) Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 ? EIz Mcr ? C1 2 Lcr 2 ? Iw Lcr GIT ? ? ? 2 ? ? EIz ? ? Iz Unrestrained Beam 2 0. 5 45 LTB Example For end moment loading C1 may be approximated from: C1 = 1. 88 â⠂¬â€œ 1. 40y + 0. 52y2 but C1 ? 2. 70 1194 y is the ratio of the end moments ? ? 0. 88 1362 ? C1 ? 1. 05 ? 2 ? 210000 ? 68. 5 ? 106 Mcr ? 1. 05 ? 32002 ? 9390 ? 109 32002 ? 81000 ? 2670 ? 103 ? ? ? 68. 5 ? 106 ? 2 ? 210000 ? 68. 5 ? 106 ? ? 0. 5 = 5699Ãâ€"106 Nmm = 5699 kNm Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 46 LTB Example Non-dimensional lateral torsional slenderness for segment BC: ? LT ? Wy fy Mcr 6198 ? 103 ? 265 ? ? 0. 54 6 5699 ? 10 Select buckling curve and imperfection factor ? LT: From Table 6. 4: h/b = 762. 2/266. 7 = 2. 85 For a rolled I-section with h/b > 2, use buckling curve b Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 47 LTB Example From Table 6. 3 of EN 1993-1-1: For buckling curve b, ? LT = 0. 34 Calculate reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling, ? LT – Segment BC: ?LT ? 1 ? LT ? ? 2 LT LT but ? LT ? 1. 0 where ? LT ? 0. 5 [ 1 ? ?LT (? LT ? 0. 2) ? ?2 ] LT Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 48 LTB Example ?LT = 0. 5[1+0. 34(0. 54-0. 2) + 0. 542] = 0. 70 ? ? LT ? 1 0. 70 ? 0. 70 ? 0. 54 2 2 ? 0. 87 Lateral torsional buckling resistance Mb,Rd – Segment BC : Mb,Rd ? ? LT Wy fy ? M1 265 ? 0. 87 ? 6198 ? 10 ? 1 . 0 3 ? 1425 ? 106 Nmm ? 1425 kNm Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 49 LTB Example MEd 1362 ? ? 0. 96 ? 1. 0 ? Segment BC is OK Mb,Rd 1425 Lateral torsional buckling check (clause 6. 3. 2. 2) – Segment CD: MEd ? 1362 kNm Mb ,Rd ? ? LT Wy fy ? M1 where Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 sectionsDetermine Mcr for segment CD (Lcr = 5100 mm) Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 50 LTB Example ? EIz Mcr ? C1 2 Lcr 2 ? Iw Lcr GIT ? ? ? 2 ? Iz ? EIz ? ? 2 0. 5 Determine y from Table: 0 y is the ratio of the end moments ? ?0 1362 ? C1 ? 1. 88 ? 2 ? 210000 ? 68. 5 ? 106 Mcr ? 1. 88 51002 ? 9390 ? 109 51002 ? 81000 ? 2670 ? 103 ? ? ? ? 68. 5 ? 106 ? 2 ? 210000 ? 68. 5 ? 106 ? ? 0. 5 = 4311? 106 Nmm = 4311 kNm Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 51 LTB Example Non-dimensional lateral torsio nal slenderness for segment CD: ? LT ? Wy fy Mcr 6198 ? 103 ? 265 ? ? 0. 62 6 4311? 10 The buckling curve and imperfection factor ?LT are as for segment BC. Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 52 LTB Example Calculate reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling, ? LT – Segment CD: ?LT ? 1 ? LT ? ? 2 LT 2 LT but ? LT ? 1. 0 where ? LT ? 0. 5 [ 1 ? ?LT (? LT ? 0. 2) ? ?2 ] LT = 0. 5[1+0. 34(0. 62-0. 2) + 0. 622] = 0. 76 ? ? LT Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 ? 1 0. 76 ? 0. 76 ? 0. 62 2 Unrestrained Beam 2 ? 0. 83 53 LTB Example Lateral torsional buckling resistance Mb,Rd – Segment CD : Mb,Rd ? ?LT Wy fy ? M1 265 ? 0. 83 ? 6198 ? 10 ? 1. 0 3 ? 1360 ? 106 Nmm ? 1360 kNm MEd 1362 ? ? 1. 00 Mb,Rd 1360 Segment CD is critical and marginally fails LTB check.Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 54 Blank Page Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 55 Simplified assessment of ? LT For hot-rolled doubly symmetric I and H sections without destabilising loads,? may be conservatively simplified to: LT ? LT ? 1 0. 9 ? z ? C1 ?z 1 0. 9 ? 1 C1 E ? z ? L / iz ; ? 1 ? ? fy As a further simplification, C1 may also be conservatively taken = 1. 0. Simplified assessment of ? LT Substituting in numerical values for simplified expressions result. ? 1 , the following S235 ? LT ? 1 L / iz C1 104 S275 ? LT ? 1 L / iz C1 96 S355 ? LT ? 1 L / iz C1 85 C1 may be conservatively taken = 1. , though the level of conservatism increases the more the actual bending moment diagram differs from uniform moment. Simplified method (Cl. 6. 3. 2. 4) Simplified method for beams with restraints in buildings (Clause 6. 3. 2. 4) This method treats the compression flange of the beam and part of the web as a strut: b b Compression h Tension Compression flange + 1/3 of the compressed area of web Strut Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Beam Unrestrained Beam 58 General method (Cl. 6. 3. 4) General method for lateral and lateral torsional buckling of structural components †¢ May be applied to single members, plane frames etc. Requires determination of plastic and elastic (buckling) resistance of structure, which subsequently defines global slenderness †¢ Generally requires FE Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 59 Blank Page Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 60 Important Notes: (End Connections) When full torsional restraint exist: -both the compression and tension flanges are fully restrained against rotation on plan -both flanges are partially restrained against rotation on plan – both flanges are free to rotate on plan Unrestrained Beam 61 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Connection DetailDr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 62 Important Notes: (End Connections) Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 63 Important Notes: (End Connections) When both flanges are free to rotate on plan and the compression flange is unrestrained: i. torsional restraint is provided solely by connection of the tension flange to the supports, ii. torsional re straint is provided solely by dead bearing of the tension flange on support. Unrestrained Beam 64 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 65 Dr. A Aziz Saim 2010 EC3 Unrestrained Beam 66
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hercules in the Classical and Post Classical Depiction
In the classical depiction of Hercules, key themes of Redemption and suffering go hand in hand and are present throughout. When Hera (Zeus’s wife) drives Hercules to madness she sends him to brutally murder his own wife and sons. Hercules is overwhelmed with a sense of ‘blood guilt’ and suffering and condemns himself to exile. He then seeks the Delphic Oracle’s help, she tells him that he is to complete 10 labours for King Eurystheus in order to redeem and rid himself of the blood guilt and suffering and become an immortal (APOLLODORUS, LIBRARY 22. . 12. ) The idea of suffering makes heroes like Hercules relatable to the mortal audience and whilst Hercules is a demi god making him faster, stronger and more agile than any other hero- he remains human in character. No task of Hercules is an easy one but he is willing to go through these taxing adventures in order to redeem himself and set things right. In the post classical depiction- Disney’s 1997 mov ie Hercules- those themes of redemption and suffering are not so present instead themes of selflessness and true heroism are strong.Hercules is presented as Zeus AND Hera’s son and is a full god- until Hades poisons him, taking all but his strength. He is deemed mortal and lives with his adopted family in Thebes. Hercules begins the 10 labours in order to regain his immortality and live on Mt Olympus with the other gods. As Hercules begins attempting and completing the labours he becomes somewhat of a celebrity with the mortals and they begin to worship him.But the labours alone are not enough to make him immortal, he needs to show true selflessness and be willing to sacrifice himself in order to save another. When Hercules dives into the pool of spirits in Hades’ underworld to bring Megara back to life he risks dying to do so and only this is enough to be a true hero and regain him his immortality. Aspects of Hercules’ story have been modified to suit the viewe rs and be age appropriate but the theme of heroism has been dominant in both depictions and that is because Hercules himself was a true hero.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Higher Taxes for The Rich Actually Hurt the Poor
How Higher Taxes for The Rich Actually Hurt the Poor Do the rich actually pay for the higher taxes when they become law? Technically, the answer is yes. But the reality is that those costs are usually just passed on to other people or spending is restricted. Either way, the net effect is often a huge hit on the economy. Millions of small and medium-sized businesses fall into the target zone for higher taxation. If a small business is hit with higher costs due to an increase in fuel prices or raw goods, those increases are usually just passed on to the consumers, and those with less disposable income see their costs rise to sometimes devastating levels. Trickle-Down Taxation If the feed for livestock increases due to demand, that cost increase is eventually added into the price of a gallon of milk or a pound of cheese. When gas prices more than double causing the transportation costs of the milk and cheese to double, those costs are also built into the prices. And when taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, Obamacare taxes or otherwise) are raised on the businesses that either produce, transport, or sell the milk and cheese those costs will equally show up in the price of the product. Businesses simply dont just absorb increased costs. Higher taxes are treated no differently than other forms of increased costs and are typically trickled down and paid by consumers in the long run. This makes life harder for both the small businesses seeking to survive by keeping costs competitive but being unable to do so and Americans with less money to spend than just a few years earlier. Middle Class and the Poor hit Hardest on Higher Taxes The main argument made by conservatives is that you dont want to raise taxes on anyone - especially in tough economics times - because the burden of those costs eventually is spread out and hurt lower income Americans. As seen above, higher taxes are simply just passed on to consumers. And when you have many people and businesses involved in the production, transportation, and distribution of products, and they are all paying higher costs, the added costs built into the selling prices quickly begin to add up for the end consumer. So the question is who is most likely to be harmed by increased taxes on the rich? Ironically, it may be the income brackets that continue to demand those higher taxes on others. Taxed More, Spending Less Higher taxes have other consequences that can also impact the lower and mid-range income brackets more than the wealthier people those taxes are supposedly aimed at. Its simple, really: When people have less money, they spend less money. Thats less money spent on personal services, products, and luxury items. Anyone who has a job in sectors that sell expensive cars, boats, houses, or other sometimes luxurious items (in other words, anyone in manufacturing, retail, and construction industries) should want to have a large pool of people looking to buy. Sure its fun to say that so-and-so doesnt need another jet. But if I make jet parts, work as a mechanic, own an airport hangar or am a pilot looking for a job I want there to be as many jets purchased by as many people as possible. Higher taxes on investments also means fewer dollars spent investing as the reward starts to be less worth the risk. After all, why take the chance at losing already-taxed money when any returns on that investment are taxed at even higher rates? The purpose of low capital gains taxes is to encourage people to invest. Higher taxes means less investing. And that would hurt new or struggling businesses seeking financial backing. And taxing charitable donations at normal income rates would also reduce the amount of charitable giving. And who benefits the most from charitable giving? Lets just say not the rich who would simply just be forced to donate less. Liberals: Punish The Rich out of Fairness Its generally accepted that raising taxes on the rich would do little to reduce deficits, close funding gaps, or help the economy. When asked about the potential negatives of raising taxes on anyone, President Obama usually just answers that the matter is about fairness. Then what follows are lies about how the wealthy pay less than fast food workers or secretaries. For instance, Mitt Romneys effective tax rate of about 14% puts him at a tax rate higher than 97% of the population, according to the Tax Foundation. (Nearly half of Americans pay a 0% income tax rate). Its just fair to tax people who have a lot more money than everybody else. Warren Buffett said that it would raise the morale of the middle class to have the rich pay more, also using the false argument that people like Mitt Romney pay less than most middle-class Americans. In reality, a taxpayer would have to make well over $200,000 in regular income to match the Romney or Buffett tax rates. (Thats even taking into account the millions upon millions both guys give to charity, another reason for the low-for-millionaires-but-higher-than-most effective tax rate.) Its also unfortunate to think that any individuals morale would be raised simply because the government takes more and more from someone else. But perhaps that defines the difference between a ​liberal and a conservative.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Elasticity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Elasticity - Essay Example Given an increasing price for corn, farmers will shift to producing corn rather than corn substitutes like soybeans. In addressing the impact of an increase in the demand for corn resulting from using corn as an alternative energy source, it is useful to understand the determinants of demand. According to Mankiw (2007), the determinants of demand or the variables affecting the quantity of the good demanded are price, income, prices of related goods, tastes, expectations, and number of buyers. While movement in prices represents a movement along the demand curve, the demand curve shifts leftward or rightward based on changes in income, prices of related goods, tastes, expectations, and number of buyers. The determinants of demand or the variables affecting the quantity demanded of a good are identified in Table 1. Table 1. Determinants of Demand Source: Mankiw, 2007, p. 69 When the demand for corn increases when corn is utilized as an alternative energy source, we can represent the si tuation as a rightward shift in the demand curve. This is shown in Figure 2 where the right ward shift in demand is represented in the movement from D2 to D3. Figure 2. Shifts in Demand Curve Price of Corn Quantity of Corn Source: Mankiw, 2007, p.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
How God Organizes People for Effective Action Essay
How God Organizes People for Effective Action - Essay Example Our assigned tasks fit together to complete His plan. God views each of us as a very important puzzle piece, existing to complete the whole. For instance, the Bible speaks of King David who greatly enhanced and extended the kingdom of Israel and established the Judean dynasty. This biblical figure was indeed a historical character. According to Daniel Hillel in his book The Natural History of the Bible, in 1993, excavations at Tel Dan, at the far northern-tip of the state of Israel, uncovered an inscription with an explicit mention of the "House of David". Dr. Michael Denton in his book Nature's Destiny, concluded that, "All the evidence available in the biological sciences supports the core proposition of traditional natural theology -that the cosmos is a specially designed whole with life and mankind as its fundamental goal and purpose, a whole in which all facets of reality, from the size of galaxies to the thermal capacity of water, have their meaning and explanation in this central fact." The world is custom-made for our essence. Daniel Hillel describes in his book, The Natural History of the Bible, the venture to the Promised Land.
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