Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Project Analysis Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Task Analysis Report - Research Paper Example The accompanying report presents an investigation on a task from its arranging, usage and execution along with other urgent components of a venture. The venture is Computerized Passenger Reservation System by the Indian Railways. The task was fruitful created, structured and executed as credited by the elevated level of the executives, experienced merchant, CMC, slow hustling among other vital procedures that the organization utilized. Presentation Success of a task relies upon a few things, for example, assessment of dangers and openings and realizing how to use the results for the advantage the venture, just as powerful project’s target definition, arranging and the board. A venture director assumes a key job in venture arranging, execution and usage; along these lines, they are entrusted with the commitment to scan for new techniques and guarantee a vital undertaking. The accompanying report presents an investigation on a venture from its arranging, usage and execution alon g with other vital components of an undertaking. The task is Computerized Passenger Reservation System by the Indian Railways. Outline of the Project and Objectives The foundation of railroad transport in India began in 1851, and by 1901, there were 24 million travelers utilizing rail route transport oversaw by GIPR Company. 42 railroad organizations worked in India during the pioneer period, yet after autonomy, they were totally consolidated and worked by the administration (Raman and Wig, 2010). From that point forward, the organization has enhanced the quantity of travelers conveyed every year, just as the carriages and the railroad lines. The Indian Railways is separated into 17 zones for powerful administration with a few divisions. The divisions likewise empower sports and work clinics and schools for representatives. PRS framework that was structured without any preparation has been named the best venture done by the Indian railroads. The target of this venture was to change traveler reservation framework so as to deal with the tremendous size of travelers and multifaceted nature of the exchanges. Investigation of extent of the undertaking shows that is was separated into four phases, which were inception stage, venture stage, execution stage and development stage. The inception stage included possibility considers and the choices that guided the endorsement, just as financing of the PRS venture. The significant exercises at this stage included making the requirement for the PRS, supporting calendar and spending plan and recognizing supervisory group for the undertaking (Raman and Wig, 2010). The subsequent stage was the venture stage, which established exercises for startup of the task. Exercises in this stage were seller and equipment determination, frameworks structure, combination, testing, programming improvement, information transformations, manual methodology upgrading lastly, turn out. The third phase of the undertaking degree was the usage stag e where the association acknowledges PRS and places it into utilization. All things considered, this stage was satisfied via completing exercises, for example, revise, troubleshooting framework and programming, staff preparing and framework execution tuning. Ultimately, development stage came fourth on the extent of the venture, and this is the place the association set up plans to encourage interest in foundation to help the innovation. Moreover, the association likewise stretched out the new system’s use to different territories, just as built up extra applications to be connected with the framework. Partner Analysis The major
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution
During the late 1800's, two extraordinary insurgencies happened, the American Upset and the French Revolution. These two recorded occasions occurred simultaneously, yet had an incredible number contrasts and practically nothing similitude. At the point when French Revolution happened, it transformed into a fierce what's more, bleeding occasion, while the American Revolution was practically peaceful, beside the war. In 1774, King Louis XVI settled on a choice that could have forestalled the French Revolution by breathing new life into the French economy: he named Physiocrat Robert Turgot as Controller General of Finance. The Physiocrats were a little band of supporters of the French doctor Francois Quesnay, whose monetary solutions included decreased expenses, less guideline, the end of government-conceded imposing business models and interior tolls and duties, thoughts that discovered their revitalizing cry in the renowned motto, free enterprise, laissez-passer. The Physiocrats applied a significant effect on Adam Smith, who had spent time in France during the 1760s and whose exemplary The Wealth of Nations encapsulated the Physiocratic assault on mercantilism and contended that countries get rich by rehearsing free trade.2 Of Smith, Turgot, and the Physiocrats, the incomparable French legislator and creator Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) composed: The premise of their entire financial framework might be genuinely said to lie in the standard of personal responsibility. . . . The main capacity of government concurring to this teaching is to secure life, freedom, and property.10 Grasping the standard of facilitated commerce not similarly as a brief catalyst, however, as a way of thinking, Turgot got the lord to sign a declaration in January 1776 that canceled the syndications and uncommon benefits of the societies, organizations, and exchanging organizations. He at that point devoted himself to breaking down the inside duties inside France. By constraining government cost, he had the option to cut the spending plan by 60 million livres and diminish the enthusiasm on ... Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution During the late 1800's, two extraordinary upheavals happened, the American Transformation and the French Revolution. These two recorded occasions occurred simultaneously, yet had an extraordinary number contrasts and practically nothing closeness. At the point when French Revolution happened, it transformed into an exceptionally rough what's more, bleeding occasion, while the American Revolution was practically peaceful, beside the war. In 1774, King Louis XVI settled on a choice that could have forestalled the French Revolution by breathing new life into the French economy: he delegated Physiocrat Robert Turgot as Controller General of Finance. The Physiocrats were a little band of devotees of the French doctor Francois Quesnay, whose monetary remedies included decreased duties, less guideline, the end of government-allowed restraining infrastructures and interior tolls and levies, thoughts that discovered their energizing cry in the well known trademark, free enterprise, laissez-passer. The Physiocrats applied a significant impact on Adam Smith, who had spent time in France during the 1760s and whose great The Wealth of Nations exemplified the Physiocratic assault on mercantilism and contended that countries get rich by rehearsing free trade.2 Of Smith, Turgot, and the Physiocrats, the incomparable French legislator and creator Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) composed: The premise of their entire monetary framework might be genuinely said to lie in the standard of personal circumstance. . . . The main capacity of government agreeing to this teaching is to ensure life, freedom, and property.10 Grasping the standard of organized commerce not similarly as a transitory catalyst, be that as it may, as a way of thinking, Turgot got the ruler to sign a proclamation in January 1776 that abrogated the imposing business models and unique benefits of the societies, partnerships, and exchanging organizations. He at that point committed himself to breaking down the inside duties inside France. By constraining government cost, he had the option to cut the financial plan by 60 million livres and diminish the enthusiasm on ...
Sunday, July 26, 2020
When Children Have Depression After Death of a Parent
When Children Have Depression After Death of a Parent Depression Childhood Depression Print When Children Experience Depression After Death of a Parent Distinguish sadness from depression with these tips By Lauren DiMaria linkedin Lauren DiMaria is a member of the Society of Clinical Research Associates and childhood psychology expert. Learn about our editorial policy Lauren DiMaria Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 03, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids mrs / Getty Images While there is no way to predict how your child will react to the death of a parent, or how this loss will affect them, some circumstances may increase the likelihood that a child will experience depression after a parent dies. Surviving parents and family members can take steps to ensure that your child receives the support or treatment they need to heal. Helping Yourself Helps Your Child The way that you and other caregivers react to death will affect how your child reacts. As a parent or caregiver, you will need to address your own grief through outside support or counseling for the benefit of the whole family. Getting the support you need will show your child that healing is important. Parents and caregivers who express and discuss their feelings are likely to have children who do the same, whereas families who hide their emotions may be teaching a child to be ashamed of their feelings. Keeping feelings inside is a common behavior among people with depression. Tell Important People in Your Childs Life Collaborative healing efforts will provide your child with the extra support and love they need during this difficult time. Your childs pediatrician, teachers, and friends parents need to know about the parents death. Reaching out to those who have daily contact with your child will increase the available support. Make an appointment with your childs pediatrician to discuss how your child is coping. Supporting Your Child Grief is a normal process and typically does not require medication or therapy. However, you may initially need to spend more time with your child and assure them that you will not leave. Talking with your child on an age-appropriate level and encouraging questions provides a supportive environment. Here are some more suggestions for supporting your preschool and school-age children through the grieving process: Answer any questions they have honestly, but try to keep your answers simple and brief. Its also OK to say that you dont know or that you dont have the answer right now.Avoid using euphemisms for death, such as resting or sleeping forever, as this can be confusing for a child. Instead, explain that when someone dies, their body stops working. They can no longer breathe, talk, move, eat, etc.Reinforce the fact that death is part of lifeâ€"not a form of punishment.Share any religious or spiritual believes your family has about death and dying.Make sure the child understands that it is not their fault and they are not to blame.Help them understand that their parent is not going to “come back,†even if they are good.Be careful about associating death with sickness as this can cause them to become fearful about their own illnesses.Use books and online resources to help them understand death.Encourage them to express their emotions and feelings by writing or drawing a picture.Explain w hat to expect at the memorial services and allow your child to decide if they want to attend. If your child decides to attend, ask a trusted friend or family member to be available in case they cant handle it and want to leave early.Allow older children and teens to play a role in planning the memorial if they want; this can include gathering pictures to display or picking a favorite poem or reading for the memorial service.Encourage your child to spend time with friends and participate in hobbies and social activities; remind them that having fun is OK and it doesnt mean you dont miss or love your deceased parent.Let them know that it will take time to feel better and that its normal to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, shame, and anxiety. Teens, in particular, may deal with sadness with displays of anger or risky behavior (such as unprotected sex or substance use).Remind children how much the deceased parent loved them and do your best to talk about them, show them pictures, and share memories. Factors That May Contribute to Depression While a loss of a parent or caregiver is traumatic for any child, the likelihood of this turning into depression depends on four factors, according to a report in the Journal of American Psychiatry. Researchers found that children whose parents died by suicide or an accident were at higher risk for depression than children whose parents died after developing a sudden and natural illness.?? Additionally, they found that children in the following situations were more likely to experience depression within two years of the loss when compared to their peers: Past mental health illness, like depressionFeelings of accountability for the parents deathLost a mother While these findings suggest that certain circumstances surrounding a parents death may increase the likelihood of depression in some children, it is important to understand that not all children in these circumstances will become depressed as a result. When Its More Than Sadness It is normal for a child to feel sad or scared when a parent dies. But if their sadness or fear continues for an extended period of time, worsens or significantly interferes with their normal functioning, its important to consult your childs physician for evaluation. Seek immediate attention if your child has thoughts of suicide or self-harm. Early identification and treatment of depression in children are important, as there is potential for short- and long-term consequences such as low self-esteem, substance use, and suicidal thoughts and behavior. How Do You Know If Its Grief or Depression? Recognizing Depression Children who are depressed may feel hopeless, guilty, angry, or misunderstood. Here are a few more signs to watch for: Changes in sleeping habits and appetiteWithdrawal from family, friends, and hobbies that they used to enjoyA significant drop in school performanceAvoidance of school or social activitiesVague, unexplained physical complaints, like a headache or bellyacheDifficulty concentrating and making decisions You cannot prevent your childs loss, but you can support them through this difficult time by allowing them to grieve and by creating a safe and loving environment. Part of that support is recognizing when your child has become depressed and seeking treatment to help them heal. What Parents Should Know About Childhood Depression
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Discovery of King Tuts Tomb
British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter along with his sponsor, Lord Carnarvon, spent many years and a lot of money searching for a tomb in Egypts Valley of the Kings that they werent sure still existed. But on November 4, 1922, they found it. Carter had discovered not just an unknown ancient Egyptian tomb, but one that had lain nearly undisturbed for over 3,000 years. What lay within King Tuts tomb astounded the world. Carter and Carnarvon Carter had worked in Egypt for 31 years before he found King Tuts tomb. He had begun his career in Egypt at age 17, using his artistic talents to copy wall scenes and inscriptions. Eight years later (in 1899), Carter was appointed the Inspector-General of Monuments in Upper Egypt. In 1905, Carter resigned from this job and in 1907, went to work for Lord Carnarvon. George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, loved to race around in the newly invented automobile. But an auto accident in 1901 left him in ill health. Vulnerable to the damp English winter, Lord Carnarvon began spending winters in Egypt in 1903. To pass the time, he took up archaeology as a hobby. Turning up nothing but a mummified cat (still in its coffin) his first season, Lord Carnarvon decided to hire someone knowledgeable for the succeeding seasons. For this, he hired Howard Carter. The Long Search After several relatively successful seasons working together, World War I brought a near halt to their work in Egypt. Yet, by the fall of 1917, Carter and Lord Carnarvon began excavating in earnest in the Valley of the Kings. Carter stated that there were several pieces of evidence already foundâ€â€a faience cup, a piece of gold foil, and a cache of funerary items which all bore the name of Tutankhamunâ€â€that convinced him that the tomb of King Tut was still to be found. Carter also believed that the locations of these items pointed to a specific area where they might find King Tutankhamuns tomb. Carter was determined to systematically search this area by excavating down to the bedrock. Besides some ancient workmens huts at the foot of the tomb of Rameses VI and 13 calcite jars at the entrance to the tomb of Merenptah, Carter did not have much to show after five years of excavating in the Valley of the Kings. Thus, Lord Carnarvon decided to stop the search. After a discussion with Carter, Carnarvon relented and agreed to one last season. One Final Season By November 1, 1922, Carter began his final season working in the Valley of the Kings by having his workers expose the ancient workmens huts at the base of the tomb of Rameses VI. After exposing and documenting the huts, Carter and his workmen began to excavate the ground beneath them. By the fourth day of work, they had found somethingâ€â€a step that had been cut into the rock. Steps Work feverishly continued on the afternoon of November 4 through the following morning. By late afternoon on November 5, 12 stairs leading down were revealed; and in front of them, stood the upper portion of a blocked entrance. Carter searched the plastered door for a name. But of the seals that could be read, he found only the impressions of the royal necropolis. Carter was extremely excited, writing: The design was certainly of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Could it be the tomb of a noble buried here by royal consent? Was it a royal cache, a hiding-place to which a mummy and its equipment had been removed for safety? Or was it actually the tomb of the king for whom I had spent so many years in search? Telling Carnarvon To protect the find, Carter had his workmen fill in the stairs, covering them so that none were showing. While several of Carters most trusted workmen stood guard, Carter left to make preparations. The first of which was contacting Lord Carnarvon in England to share the news of the find. On November 6, two days after finding the first step, Carter sent a cable: At last have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations. The Sealed Door It was nearly three weeks after finding the first step that Carter was able to proceed. On November 23, Lord Carnarvon and his daughter, Lady Evelyn Herbert, arrived in Luxor. The following day, the workers had again cleared the staircase, now exposing all 16 of its steps and the full face of the sealed doorway. Now Carter found what he could not see before since the bottom of the doorway had still been covered with rubble: There were several seals on the bottom of the door with Tutankhamuns name on them. Now that the door was fully exposed, they noticed that the upper left of the doorway had been broken through, presumably by tomb robbers, and resealed. The tomb was not intact, yet the fact that the tomb had been resealed showed that the tomb had not been emptied. The Passageway On the morning of November 25, the sealed doorway was photographed and the seals noted. Then the door was removed. A passageway emerged from the darkness, filled to the top with limestone chips. Upon closer examination, Carter could tell that tomb robbers had dug a hole through the upper left section of the passageway. (The hole had been refilled in antiquity with larger, darker rocks than used for the rest of the fill.) This meant that the tomb had probably been raided twice in antiquity. The first time was within a few years of the kings burial and before there was a sealed door and fill in the passageway. (Scattered objects were found under the fill.) The second time, the robbers had to dig through the fill and could escape only with smaller items. By the following afternoon, the fill along the 26-foot-long passageway had been cleared away to expose another sealed door, almost identical to the first. Again, there were signs that a hole had been made in the doorway and resealed. Everywhere the Glint of Gold Tension mounted. If anything was left inside, it would be a discovery of a lifetime for Carter. If the tomb was relatively intact, it would be something the world had never seen. Carter wrote: With trembling hands I made a tiny breach in the upper left-hand corner. Darkness and blank space, as far as an iron testing-rod could reach, showed that whatever lay beyond was empty, and not filled like the passage we had just cleared. Candle tests were applied as a precaution against possible foul gases, and then, widening the hold a little, I inserted the candle and peered in, Lord Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn and Callender standing anxiously beside me to hear the verdict. At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and goldâ€â€everywhere the glint of gold. For the momentâ€â€an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing byâ€â€I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, Can you see anything? it was all I could do to get out the words, Yes, wonderful things. The next morning, the plastered door was photographed and the seals documented. Then the door came down, revealing the Antechamber. The wall opposite the entrance wall was piled nearly to the ceiling with boxes, chairs, couches, and so much moreâ€â€most of them goldâ€â€in organized chaos. On the right wall stood two life-size statues of the king, facing each other as if to protect the sealed entrance that was between them. This sealed door also showed signs of being broken into and resealed, but this time the robbers had entered in the bottom middle of the door. To the left of the door from the passageway lay a tangle of parts from several dismantled chariots. As Carter and the others spent time looking at the room and its contents, they noticed another sealed door behind the couches on the far wall. This sealed door also had a hole in it, but unlike the others, the hole had not been resealed. Carefully, they crawled under the couch and shone their light. The Annexe In this room (later called the Annexe), everything was in disarray. Carter theorized that officials had attempted to straighten up the Antechamber after the robbers had plundered, but they had made no attempt to straighten the Annexe. He wrote: I think the discovery of this second chamber, with its crowded contents, had a somewhat sobering effect on us. Excitement had gripped us hitherto, and given us no pause for thought, but now for the first time we began to realize what a prodigious task we had in front of us, and what a responsibility it entailed. This was no ordinary find, to be disposed of in a normal seasons work; nor was there any precedent to show us how to handle it. The thing was outside all experience, bewildering, and for the moment it seemed as though there were more to be done than any human agency could accomplish. Documenting and Preserving the Artifacts Before the entrance between the two statues in the Antechamber could be opened, the items in the Antechamber needed to be removed or risk damage to them from flying debris, dust, and movement. Documentation and preservation of each item was a monumental task. Carter realized that this project was larger than he could handle alone, thus he asked for and received help from a large number of specialists. To begin the clearing process, each item was photographed in situ, both with an assigned number and without. Then, a sketch and description of each item were made on correspondingly numbered record cards. Next, the item was noted on a ground plan of the tomb (only for the Antechamber). Carter and his team had to be extremely careful when attempting to remove any of the objects. Since many of the items were in extremely delicate states (such as beaded sandals in which the threading had disintegrated, leaving only beads held together by 3,000 years of habit), many items needed immediate treatment, such as a celluloid spray, to keep the items intact for removal. Moving the items also proved a challenge. Carter wrote of it, Clearing the objects from the Antechamber was like playing a gigantic game of spillikins. So crowded were they that it was a matter of extreme difficulty to move one without running serious risk of damaging others, and in some cases they were so inextricably tangled that an elaborate system of props and supports had to be devised to hold one object or group of objects in place while another was being removed. At such times life was a nightmare. When an item was successfully removed, it was placed upon a stretcher and gauze and other bandages were wrapped around the item to protect it for removal. Once a number of stretchers were filled, a team of people would carefully pick them up and move them out of the tomb. As soon as they exited the tomb with the stretchers, they were greeted by hundreds of tourists and reporters who waited for them at the top. Since word had spread quickly around the world about the tomb, the popularity of the site was excessive. Every time someone came out of the tomb, cameras would go off. The trail of stretchers was taken to the conservation laboratory, located at some distance away in the tomb of Seti II. Carter had appropriated this tomb to serve as a conservation laboratory, photographic studio, carpenters shop (to make the boxes needed to ship the objects), and a storeroom. Carter allotted tomb No. 55 as a darkroom. The items, after conservation and documentation, were very carefully packed into crates and sent by rail to Cairo. It took Carter and his team seven weeks to clear the Antechamber. On Feb. 17, 1923, they began dismantling the sealed door between the statues. The Burial Chamber The inside of the Burial Chamber was almost completely filled with a large shrine over 16 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 9 feet tall. The walls of the shrine were made of gilded wood inlaid with brilliant blue porcelain. Unlike the rest of the tomb, upon which the walls had been left as rough-cut rock (unsmoothed and unplastered), the walls of the Burial Chamber (excluding the ceiling) were covered with gypsum plaster and painted yellow. Funeral scenes were painted on these yellow walls. On the ground around the shrine were a number of items, including portions of two broken necklaces, which looked as if they had been dropped by robbers, and magic oars to ferry the kings barque [boat] across the waters of the Nether World. To take apart and examine the shrine, Carter had to first demolish the partition wall between the Antechamber and the Burial Chamber. Still, there was not much room between the three remaining walls and the shrine. As Carter and his team worked to disassemble the shrine they found that this was merely the outer shrine, with four shrines in total. Each section of the shrines weighed up to half a ton. In the small confines of the Burial Chamber, work was difficult and uncomfortable. When the fourth shrine was disassembled, the kings sarcophagus was revealed. The sarcophagus was yellow and made out of a single block of quartzite. The lid did not match the rest of the sarcophagus and had been cracked in the middle during antiquity (an attempt had been made to cover the crack by filling it with gypsum). When the heavy lid was lifted, a gilded wooden coffin was revealed. The coffin was in a distinctly human shape and was 7 feet 4 inches long. Opening the Coffin A year and a half later, they were ready to lift the lid of the coffin. Conservation work of other objects already removed from the tomb had taken precedence. Thus, the anticipation of what lay beneath was extreme. Inside, they found another, smaller coffin. The lifting of the lid of the second coffin revealed a third one, made entirely of gold. On top of this third, and final, coffin was a dark material that had once been liquid and poured over the coffin from the hands to the ankles. The liquid had hardened over the years and firmly stuck the third coffin to the bottom of the second. The thick residue had to be removed with heat and hammering. Then the lid of the third coffin was raised. At last, the royal mummy of Tutankhamun was revealed. It had been over 3,300 years since a human being had seen the kings remains. This was the first royal Egyptian mummy that had been found untouched since his burial. Carter and the others hoped King Tutankhamuns mummy would reveal a large amount of knowledge about ancient Egyptian burial customs. Though it was still an unprecedented find, Carter and his team were dismayed to learn that the liquid poured on the mummy had done a great deal of damage. The linen wrappings of the mummy could not be unwrapped as hoped, but instead had to be removed in large chunks. Many of the items found within the wrappings had also been damaged, and some were almost completely disintegrated. Carter and his team found over 150 items on the mummyâ€â€almost all of them goldâ€â€including amulets, bracelets, collars, rings, and daggers. The autopsy on the mummy found that Tutankhamun had been about 5 feet 5 1/8 inches tall and had died around age 18. Certain evidence also attributed Tutankhamuns death to murder. The Treasury On the right wall of the Burial Chamber was an entrance into a storeroom, now known as the Treasury. The Treasury, like the Antechamber, was filled with items including many boxes and model boats. Most notable in this room was the large gilded canopic shrine. Inside the gilded shrine was the canopic chest made out of a single block of calcite. Inside the canopic chest were the four canopic jars, each in the shape of an Egyptian coffin and elaborately decorated, holding the pharaohs embalmed organs: liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines. Also discovered in the Treasury were two small coffins found in a simple, undecorated wooden box. Inside these two coffins were the mummies of two premature fetuses. It is hypothesized that these were Tutankhamuns children. (Tutankhamun is not known to have had any surviving children.) World Famous Discovery The discovery of King Tuts tomb in November 1922 created an obsession around the world. Daily updates of the find were demanded. Masses of mail and telegrams deluged Carter and his associates. Hundreds of tourists waited outside the tomb for a peek. Hundreds more people tried to use their influential friends and acquaintances to get a tour of the tomb, which caused a great hindrance to work in the tomb and endangered the artifacts. Ancient Egyptian style clothes quickly hit the markets and appeared in fashion magazines. Even architecture was affected when Egyptian designs were copied into modern buildings. The Curse The rumors and excitement over the discovery became especially acute when Lord Carnarvon became suddenly ill from an infected mosquito bite on his cheek (he had accidentally aggravated it while shaving). On April 5, 1923, just a week after the bite, Lord Carnarvon died. Carnarvons death gave fuel to the idea that there was a curse associated with King Tuts tomb. Immortality Through Fame In all, it took Carter and his colleagues 10 years to document and clear out Tutankhamuns tomb. After Carter completed his work at the tomb in 1932, he began to write a six-volume definitive work, A Report Upon the Tomb of Tut ankh Amun. Carter died before he was able to finish, passing away at his home Kensington, London, on March 2, 1939. The mysteries of the young pharaohs tomb live on: As recently as March 2016, radar scans indicated that there may yet be hidden chambers not yet opened within King Tuts tomb. Ironically, Tutankhamun, whose obscurity during his own time allowed his tomb to be forgotten, has now become one of the most well-known pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Having traveled around the world as part of an exhibit, King Tuts body once again rests in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Sources Carter, Howard. The Tomb of Tutankhamen. E.P. Dutton, 1972.Frayling, Christopher. The Face of Tutankhamun. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1992.Reeves, Nicholas. The Complete Tutankhamun: The King, the Tomb, the Royal Treasure. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1990.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Self Assessment Tests I Didn t Know About Myself Essay
Based on the results of the several self-assessment tests I completed, I confirmed things that I knew about myself, and I was surprised to have learned other things I didn’t know about myself. This course has taught me a lot about many different aspects of life, especially about my life, ranging from my personality to my skills and abilities. The Myers-Briggs type indicator defined my personality as ESTJ. ESTJ stands for extraverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. ESTJ describes a person who is practical, decisive, logical and quick to dig in. I have also taken the Gallup Strengths finder test, which identified my top five strengths as Learner, Achiever, Restorative, Competitiveness and Focus. My weaknesses, on the other hand, were more surprising. Some of the things I thought I had mastered and others that I was not sure about turned out to be weak skills. These weak skills included, time management, handling facts and inferences, intuitive ability and tolerance for ambiguit y. My weaknesses, as well as my strengths, will contribute to my success or failure; although, don’t believe in failures, this is the reason why I love Nelson Mandela’s quote â€Å"I never lose, I either win or learn.†Besides the strengths found by both the personality test and the strengths finder test, after completing the personal career readiness self-assessment test, I scored an eight out of ten. A score of eight out of ten translates into good skills that should be nurtured now andShow MoreRelatedThe Journey Presentation : I Was Scared1627 Words  | 7 Pagesof the semester, I was scared because I didn t know what to expect from this course. At that time, I was still getting used to the idea that I am not in Elementary school anymore. High school was very different from what I expected to be. I was still getting used to the amount of effort that needs to be put in a work, amount hours you need to study and do your homework and many more. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Foundation and Empire 13. Leutenant And Clown Free Essays
string(22) " foot in his stomach\." If, from a distance of seven thousand parsecs, the fall of Kalgan to the armies of the Mule had produced reverberations that had excited the curiosity of an old Trader, the apprehension of a dogged captain, and the annoyance of a meticulous mayor – to those on Kalgan itself, it produced nothing and excited no one. It is the invariable lesson to humanity that distance in time, and in space as well, lends focus. It is not recorded, incidentally, that the lesson has ever been permanently learned. We will write a custom essay sample on Foundation and Empire 13. Leutenant And Clown or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kalgan was – Kalgan. It alone of all that quadrant of the Galaxy seemed not to know that the Empire had fallen, that the Stannells no longer ruled, that greatness had departed, and peace had disappeared. Kalgan was the luxury world. With the edifice of mankind crumbling, it maintained its integrity as a producer of pleasure, a buyer of gold and a seller of leisure. It escaped the harsher vicissitudes of history, for what conqueror would destroy or even seriously damage a world so full of the ready cash that would buy immunity. Yet even Kalgan had finally become the headquarters of a warlord and its softness had been tempered to the exigencies of war. Its tamed jungles, its mildly modeled shores, and its garishly glamorous cities echoed to the march of imported mercenaries and impressed citizens. The worlds of its province had been armed and its money invested in battleships rather than bribes for the first time in its history. Its ruler proved beyond doubt that he was determined to defend what was his and eager to seize what was others. He was a great one of the Galaxy, a war and peace maker, a builder of Empire, an establisher of dynasty. And an unknown with a ridiculous nickname had taken him – and his arms – and his budding Empire – and had not even fought a battle. So Kalgan was as before, and its uniformed citizens hurried back to their older life, while the foreign professionals of war merged easily into the newer bands that descended. Again as always, there were the elaborate luxury hunts for the cultivated animal life of the jungles that never took human life; and the speedster bird-chases in the air above, that was fatal only to the Great Birds. In the cities, the escapers of the Galaxy could take their varieties of pleasure to suit their purse, from the ethereal sky-palaces of spectacle and fantasy that opened their doors to the masses at the jingle of half a credit, to the unmarked, unnoted haunts to which only those of great wealth were of the cognoscenti. To the vast flood, Toran and Bayta added not even a trickle. They registered their ship in the huge common hangar on the East Peninsula, and gravitated to that compromise of the middle-classes, the Inland Sea-where the pleasures were yet legal, and even respectable, and the crowds not yet beyond endurance. Bayta wore dark glasses against the light, and a thin, white robe against the heat. Warm-tinted arms, scarcely the goldener for the sun, clasped her knees to her, and she stared with firm, abstracted gaze at the length of her husband’s outstretched body – almost shimmering in the brilliance of white sun-splendor. â€Å"Don’t overdo it,†she had said at first, but Toran was of a dying-red star, Despite three years of the Foundation, sunlight was a luxury, and for four days now his skin, treated beforehand for ray resistance, had not felt the harshness of clothing, except for the brief shorts. Bayta huddled close to him on the sand and they spoke in whispers. Toran’s voice was gloomy, as it drifted upwards from a relaxed face, â€Å"No, I admit we’re nowhere. But where is he? Who is he? This mad world says nothing of him. Perhaps he doesn’t exist.†â€Å"He exists,†replied Bayta, with lips that didn’t move. â€Å"He’s clever, that’s all. And your uncle is right. He’s a man we could use – if there’s time.†A short pause. Toran whispered, â€Å"Know what I’ve been doing, Bay? I’m just daydreaming myself into a sun-stupor. Things figure themselves out so neatly – so sweetly.†His voice nearly trailed off, then returned, â€Å"Remember the way Dr. Amann talked back at college, Bay. The Foundation can never lose, but that does not mean the rulers of the Foundation can’t. Didn’t the real history of the Foundation begin when Salvor Hardin kicked out the Encyclopedists and took over the planet Terminus as the first mayor? And then in the next century, didn’t Hober Mallow gain power by methods almost as drastic? That’s twice the rulers were defeated, so it can be done. So why not by us?†â€Å"It’s the oldest argument in the books. Torie. What a waste of good reverie.†â€Å"Is it? Follow it out. What’s Haven? Isn’t it part of the Foundation? If we become top dog, it’s still the Foundation winning, and only the current rulers losing.†â€Å"Lots of difference between ‘we can’ and ‘we will.’ You’re just jabbering.†Toran squirmed. â€Å"Nuts, Bay, you’re just in one of your sour, green moods. What do you want to spoil my fun for? I’ll just go to sleep if you don’t mind.†But Bayta was craning her head, and suddenly – quite a non sequitur – she giggled, and removed her glasses to look down the beach with only her palm shading her eyes. Toran looked up, then lifted and twisted his shoulders to follow her glance. Apparently, she was watching a spindly figure, feet in air, who teetered on his hands for the amusement of a haphazard crowd. It was one of the swarming acrobatic beggars of the shore, whose supple joints bent and snapped for the sake of the thrown coins. A beach guard was motioning him on his way and with a surprising one-handed balance, the clown brought a thumb to his nose in an upside-down gesture. The guard advanced threateningly and reeled backward with a foot in his stomach. You read "Foundation and Empire 13. Leutenant And Clown" in category "Essay examples" The clown righted himself without interrupting the motion of the initial kick and was away, while the frothing guard was held off by a thoroughly unsympathetic crowd. The clown made his way raggedly down the beach. He brushed past many, hesitated often, stopped nowhere. The original crowd had dispersed. The guard had departed. â€Å"He’s a queer fellow,†said Bayta, with amusement, and Toran agreed indifferently. The clown was close enough now to be seen clearly. His thin face drew together in front into a nose of generous planes and fleshy tip that seemed all but prehensile. His long, lean limbs and spidery body, accentuated by his costume, moved easily and with grace, but with just a suggestion of having been thrown together at random. To look was to smile. The clown seemed suddenly aware of their regard, for he stopped after he had passed, and, with a sharp turn, approached. His large, brown eyes fastened upon Bayta. She found herself disconcerted. The clown smiled, but it only saddened his beaked face, and when he spoke it was with the soft, elaborate phrasing of the Central Sectors. â€Å"Were I to use the wits the good Spirits gave me,†he said, â€Å"then I would say this lady can not exist – for what sane man would hold a dream to be reality. Yet rather would I not be sane and lend belief to charmed, enchanted eyes.†Bayta’s own eyes opened wide. She said, â€Å"Wow!†Toran laughed, â€Å"Oh, you enchantress. Go ahead, Bay, that deserves a five-credit piece. Let him have it.†But the clown was forward with a jump. â€Å"No, my lady, mistake me not. I spoke for money not at all, but for bright eyes and sweet face.†â€Å"Well, thanks,†then, to Toran, â€Å"Golly, you think the sun’s in his eyes?†â€Å"Yet not alone for eyes and face,†babbled the clown, as his words hurled past each other in heightened frenzy, â€Å"but also for a mind, clear and sturdy – and kind as well.†Toran rose to his feet, reached for the white robe he had crooked his arm about for four days, and slipped into it. â€Å"Now, bud,†he said, â€Å"suppose you tell me what you want, and stop annoying the lady.†The clown fell back a frightened step, his meager body cringing. â€Å"Now, sure I meant no harm. I am a stranger here, and it’s been said I am of addled wits; yet there is something in a face that I can read. Behind this lady’s fairness, there is a heart that’s kind, and that would help me in my trouble for all I speak so boldly.†â€Å"Will five credits cure your trouble?†said Toran, dryly, and held out the coin. But the clown did not move to take it, and Bayta said, â€Å"Let me talk to him, Torie,†She added swiftly, and in an undertone, â€Å"There’s no use being annoyed at his silly way of talking. That’s just his dialect; and our speech is probably as strange to him.†She said, â€Å"What is your trouble? You’re not worried about the guard, are you? He won’t bother you.†â€Å"Oh, no, not he. He’s but a windlet that blows the dust about my ankles. There is another that I flee, and he is a storm that sweeps the worlds aside and throws them plunging at each other. A week ago, I ran away, have slept in city streets, and hid in city crowds. I’ve looked in many faces for help in need. I find it here.†He repeated the last phrase in softer, anxious tones, and his large eyes were troubled, â€Å"I find it here.†â€Å"Now,†said Bayta, reasonably, â€Å"I would like to help, but really, friend, I’m no protection against a world-sweeping storm. To be truthful about it, I could use-â€Å" There was an uplifted, powerful voice that bore down upon them. â€Å"Now, then, you mud-spawned rascal-†It was the beach guard, with a fire-red face, and snarling mouth, that approached at a run. He pointed with his low-power stun pistol. â€Å"Hold him, you two. Don’t let him get away.†His heavy hand fell upon the clown’s thin shoulder, so that a whimper was squeezed out of him. Toran said, â€Å"What’s he done?†â€Å"What’s he done? What’s he done? Well, now, that’s good!†The guard reached inside the dangling pocket attached to his belt, and removed a purple handkerchief, with which he mopped his bare neck. He said with relish. â€Å"I’ll tell you what he’s done. He’s run away. The word’s all over Kalgan and I would have recognized him before this if he had been on his feet instead of on his hawkface top.†And he rattled his prey in a fierce good humor. Bayta said with a smile, â€Å"Now where did he escape from, sir?†The guard raised his voice. A crowd was gathering, popeyed and jabbering, and with the increase of audience, the guard’s sense of importance increased in direct ratio. â€Å"Where did he escape from?†he declaimed in high sarcasm. â€Å"Why, I suppose you’ve heard of the Mule, now.†All jabbering stopped, and Bayta felt a sudden iciness trickle down into her stomach. The clown had eyes only for her-he still quivered in the guard’s brawny grasp. â€Å"And who,†continued the guard heavily, â€Å"would this infernal ragged piece be, but his lordship’s own court fool who’s run away.†He jarred his captive with a massive shake, â€Å"Do you admit it, fool?†There was only white fear for answer, and the soundless sibilance of Bayta’s voice close to Toran’s ear. Toran stepped forward to the guard in friendly fashion, â€Å"Now, my man, suppose you take your hand away for just a while. This entertainer you hold has been dancing for us and has not yet danced out his fee.†â€Å"Here!†The guard’s voice rose in sudden concern. â€Å"There’s a reward-â€Å" â€Å"You’ll have it, if you can prove he’s the man you want. Suppose you withdraw till then. You know that you’re interfering with a guest, which could be serious for you.†â€Å"But you’re interfering with his lordship and that will be serious for you.†He shook the clown once again. â€Å"Return the man’s fee, carrion.†Toran’s hand moved quickly and the guard’s stun pistol was wrenched away with half a finger nearly following it. The guard howled his pain and rage. Toran shoved him violently aside, and the clown, unhanded, scuttled behind him. The crowd, whose fringes were now lost to the eye, paid little attention to the latest development. There was among them a craning of necks, and a centrifugal motion as if many had decided to increase their distance from the center of activity. Then there was a bustle, and a rough order in the distance. A corridor formed itself and two men strode through, electric whips in careless readiness. Upon each purple blouse was designed an angular shaft of lightning with a splitting planet underneath. A dark giant, in lieutenant’s uniform, followed them; dark of skin, and hair, and scowl. The dark man spoke with the dangerous softness that meant he had little need of shouting to enforce his whims. He said, â€Å"Are you the man who notified us?†The guard was still holding his wrenched hand, and with a pain-distorted face mumbled, â€Å"I claim the reward, your mightiness, and I accuse that man-â€Å" â€Å"You’ll get your reward,†said the lieutenant, without looking at him. He motioned curtly to his men, â€Å"Take him.†Toran felt the clown tearing at his robe with a maddened grip. He raised his voice and kept it from shaking, â€Å"I’m sorry, lieutenant; this man is mine.†The soldiers took the statement without blinking. One raised his whip casually, but the lieutenant’s snapped order brought it down. His dark mightiness swung forward and planted his square body before Toran, â€Å"Who are you?†And the answer rang out, â€Å"A citizen of the Foundation.†It worked-with the crowd, at any rate. The pent-up silence broke into an intense hum. The Mule’s name might excite fear, but it was, after all, a new name and scarcely stuck as deeply in the vitals as the old one of the Foundation – that had destroyed the Empire – and the fear of which ruled a quadrant of the Galaxy with ruthless despotism. The lieutenant kept face. He said, â€Å"Are you aware of the identity of the man behind you?†â€Å"I have been told he’s a runaway from the court of your leader, but my only sure knowledge is that he is a friend of mine. You’ll need firm proof of his identity to take him.†There were high-pitched sighs from the crowd, but the lieutenant let it pass. â€Å"Have you your papers of Foundation citizenship with you?†â€Å"At my ship.†â€Å"You realize that your actions are illegal? I can have you shot.†â€Å"Undoubtedly. But then you would have shot a Foundation citizen and it is quite likely that your body would be sent to the Foundation – quartered – as part compensation. It’s been done by other warlords.†The lieutenant wet his lips. The statement was true. He said, â€Å"Your name?†Toran followed up his advantage, â€Å"I will answer further questions at my ship. You can get the cell number at the Hangar; it is registered under the name ‘Bayta’.†â€Å"You won’t give up the runaway?†â€Å"To the Mule, perhaps. Send your master!†The conversation had degenerated to a whisper and the lieutenant turned sharply away. â€Å"Disperse the crowd!†he said to his men, with suppressed ferocity. The electric whips rose and fell. There were shrieks and a vast surge of separation and flight. Toran interrupted his reverie only once on their way back to the Hangar. He said, almost to himself, â€Å"Galaxy, Bay, what a time I had! I was so scared-â€Å" â€Å"Yes,†she said, with a voice that still shook, and eyes that still showed something akin to worship, â€Å"it was quite out of character.†â€Å"Well, I still don’t know what happened. I just got up there with a stun pistol that I wasn’t even sure I knew how to use, and talked back to him. I don’t know why I did it.†He looked across the aisle of the short-run air vessel that was carrying them out of the beach area, to the seat on which the Mule’s clown scrunched up in sleep, and added distastefully, â€Å"It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.†The lieutenant stood respectfully before the colonel of the garrison, and the colonel looked at him and said, â€Å"Well done. Your part’s over now.†But the lieutenant did not retire immediately. He said darkly, â€Å"The Mule has lost face before a mob, sir. It will be necessary to undertake disciplinary action to restore proper atmosphere of respect.†â€Å"Those measures have already been taken.†The lieutenant half turned, then, almost with resentment, â€Å"I’m willing to agree, sir, that orders are orders, but standing before that man with his stun pistol and swallowing his insolence whole, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.†How to cite Foundation and Empire 13. Leutenant And Clown, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Stereotypical and Actual Portraits of the Irish
Introduction The portrayal of the Irish Diaspora in major films, tales or other literary works bears a sense of resemblance, whether the work is factual or fictitious. This follows a number of stereotypes connected with it. While some hold true, others are mere speculations founded on negative ethnicity and racism.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Stereotypical and Actual Portraits of the Irish specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One cannot neglect at this point, the creation of characters in the Irish Diaspora, as holding some of the values that make sense in their ancestral homes. These include a seeming sense of celebrating lawlessness and violence motivated by a struggle to overturn the social order. The Irish are identified through certain things as being Catholics, a tendency that opposes anything to do with modernity as well as certain things like the celebration of rites as those of marriages. There are different art works used in the defense of these arguments. These include a movie such as John Ford’s â€Å"The Quiet Man†produced in 1957, McDonald’s book â€Å"All Souls†, among others such as Peter Carey’s â€Å"The True History of the Kelly Gang†. As the paper unfolds, ‘Irishness’, defined by poverty, is more than just a matter of genealogy.[1] Adverse poverty in the Irish Diaspora Ford’s â€Å"The Quiet Man†Considering that John Ford is of an Irish origin, his portrayal of the Irish Diaspora can be seen as really appealing to the Irish –American’s, whom they share the same sentiments about their lives in the Diaspora and the ideal life they consider to be like in Ireland. In this movie adapted from Maurice Walsh’s short story â€Å"The Green Rushes†, Ford seems to be giving a sentimental and rather nostalgic tribute to Ireland considering the manner in which he romanticizes ev erything in the film to achieve his agenda. Comparing the life in the Diaspora with the actual life in Ireland makes the viewers share a sentiment with the main character in the film, Sean Thornton, testifying that he regards Ireland as his heaven while he suffers in the Diaspora.[2] Based on this movie, it is clear that overt poverty characterizes the life of the Irish in Diaspora exposing the Irish immigrants to living life in ways that they would otherwise have avoided if they lived in their home country[3]. For instance, Sean Thornton in this movie is compelled to become a boxer where he kills an opponent unintentionally while involved in a pay fight to sustain his life in Pittsburg. He decides to hang his gloves and return to Ireland to live a peaceful life without having to fight anyone for a living. Ford exposes the capitalistic nature of most of the host countries and more so the USA, where Irish immigrants find themselves in difficult situations that force them to employ li fe threatening measures to ensure that they survive.Advertising Looking for term paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Even though this aspect of violence seems to reappear after returning to Ireland, it is clear that Ford intents to contrast the situations as they are in Pittsburg to those in Ireland for the simple reason of preferring the rather traditional setting to the more industrialized capitalistic scenarios in the host country. In his portrayal of Ireland, Ford creates a meeting point between the real and the unreal through the manner he romanticizes scenery and the people involved. Sean prefers to purchase the â€Å"wee humble cottage â€Å"and settle down, which is better than the harsh conditions exposed to workers in the mines of Pittsburg. He says â€Å"steel and pig iron furnaces so hot a man forgets his fear of hell†. This clearly portrays the conditions as they are in the Irish Diaspora, w hich to some extend tends to justify the manner in which they become violent and often getting involved in drug trafficking to sustain themselves[4]. The same conditions stand out in McDonald’s â€Å"All Souls: A family story from Southie†Drug trafficking, prostitution and lawlessness makes the order of the day in this ghetto (McDonald 3). This further emphasizes the portrayal of the Irish Diaspora as the ‘other†as far as class is concerned. Most people live in conditions characterized by adverse poverty and brutality, as seen in situations such as those that his mother faces of having to witness the deaths of four of his kids. The Irish in the Diaspora is condemned to living the worst nightmare as portrayed in this rather honest description of the situations as brought forth by McDonald. Peter Carey’s â€Å"True History of the Kelly Gang†emphasizes on the effect that poverty has on the Irish in the Diaspora. This stands out in the descript ion of the circumstances that surround Ned Kelly’s life that end up forcing him into crime. His father, an Irish, is taken to Australia and dies in prison because of the many brushes that he had with the police. He dies while his son is at the age of twelve leaving behind only the mother to cater for the children. She does this through operating a ‘shebeen’ and having a number of partners who help her feed the children. She ends up getting involved with the bushranger Harry Power, who introduces Ned to crime. The sense that extreme violence because of poverty characterizes the Irish Diaspora is evident in this case.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Stereotypical and Actual Portraits of the Irish specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kerby A. Miller in his book â€Å"Emigrants and Exiles†points out that rather than the Irish in the Diaspora accepting that they have put themselves in to the harsh lifestyle they live in, points out that a majority consider themselves as exiles having been forced out of their own country involuntarily by the British and landlords. This in Ford’s â€Å"The Quiet Man†stands out in the manner in which Sean considers his life in Pittsburg as a condemnation by circumstances to leave a miserable life[5]. Ned Kelly’s father; Red Kelly is condemned to live in Victoria being forced against his will to separate with his family. Rather than considering their emigration as an opportunity to live in more developed host countries, Miller portrays a manner in which these Irish divorced themselves from these acts of ambitious emigration and portray a deep-rooted homesickness for their beloved country. Miller argues that the nostalgic nature, feeling of alienation and embrace of nationalism among the Irish in Diaspora is deeply rooted in their traditional Irish Catholicism which make them tend to delineate themselves from hav ing had emigrated for selfish gains but consider themselves as involuntary victims of circumstances(11). There are incidences whereby the catholic Irish immigrants are targeted in violence and xenophobia when they settled in other territories where they were considered as bringing unnecessary competition among the natives[6]. Since most of the immigrants were not educated and found themselves competing for manual jobs with natives, this caused friction, which made their lives more difficult. The recruitment of the Irish into the army en masse exposed them to grave danger and a huge number of them faced their death during the American civil war. In this case, the Irish-Americans considered themselves as being treated as second-class citizens considering that they could have a better life in their home country. Conclusion However, the life in the Irish Diaspora seems to promise less to the Irish. Ford in â€Å"The Quiet Man†romanticizes the beauty of the country of his origin to emphasize the fact despite the Irish –Americans’ suffering in the Diaspora, there was pretty good things happening at home and one just required to give up their lifestyles in the Diaspora and trace their roots in their beautiful home country[7]. Stevens says â€Å"While most of the United States disdained sheer volume of Irish manpower pouring into the country during this time, one American institution welcomed them with open arms: the United States Army. Facing two looming conflicts, with Great Britain in the North and Mexico in the South, American military planners needed to fill its ranks quickly†(35) giving an insight of how the Irish in the Diaspora were exposed to grave dangers in the Mexican war since they were only used for the simple reason that they were immigrants.Advertising Looking for term paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ford, in the end of the film ends the conflict that shapes the plot of the story by bringing about a sense of tranquility. This restores the sense of paradise –like picturesque that he gives the setting that is in the rural town of Innisfree through the photography and the use of color. Works Cited McDonald, Patrick. All souls: A family story From Southie. New York: Beacon publishers. Miller, Kerby. Emigrants and Exiles. USA: Oxford University Press, 1988. Stevens, Peter. Rogue’s March: Riley and the St. Patrick’s Battalion. New York: Brassey’s Publishers .1999. Footnotes The 1900 massive migration of the Irish community to Canada resulted from the then poverty prevailing in the Irish homeland. Ireland as heaven and Diaspora as heaven seems ironical because suffering is and has been the talk of the day for the people of Ireland. Approximately 2 million Irish people left their mother country within decade between 1840-1850 with the number increasing day b y day as those who had settled send for their friends and relatives. Severe hunger, political prejudice, religious subordination, and wars dominated the Irish people arousing their anger as the government turned them a deaf ear as they called for its intervention. The Irish continued with their poverty-stricken life even after migrating to Canada. Competition of jobs, resources, as well as settlement areas The Irish people might consider returning to their motherland following the persistent problems in Canada. This term paper on The Stereotypical and Actual Portraits of the Irish was written and submitted by user Camilo Graves to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on Illiteracy
The Problems of Illiteracy Illiteracy affects about forty-two million adults in the United States. Jonathan Kozol was so concerned over this matter that he wrote a book published in 1985 entitled, Illiterate America. In his book, he claims that people in power support illiteracy because it keeps them in power. He supports his claim by stating that nothing is done to educate illiterate people. It is true that there are few public programs that seek out and attempt to teach the illiterate to read. Many illiterate people, as Kozol points out, rely heavily on what others tell them. They put all of their faith into people that deceive and lie to them. However, there is little that responsible, caring, average citizens can do to help illiterate people with their struggles. There is no evidence that people in power are deliberately keeping the illiterate the way they are. Of course, it may seem that way. There are no social programs that are government sponsored providing free education to illiterate adults, and the issue of illiteracy is not a regular topic of discussion around election time. But Kozol never gives any clear answer as to what benefits people in power do reap by keeping illiterate people illiterate. Powerful people cannot benefit from the fact that illiterate people buy the wrong item sometimes, which is the topic of a lengthy paragraph in his essay. Kozol claims that â€Å"[i]f even one third of all illiterates could vote, and read enough and do sufficient math to vote in their self-interest, Ronald Reagan would not likely have been chosen president†(115). There is no way to predict what may have happened. There is also no premeditated policy of Congress to refuse any proposal of an education program. Responsibility doe s not lie with citizens in a democratic society to educate the illiterate. It is not the duty of an American to seek out illiterate people. In a perfect society, people would take action; and... Free Essays on Illiteracy Free Essays on Illiteracy The Problems of Illiteracy Illiteracy affects about forty-two million adults in the United States. Jonathan Kozol was so concerned over this matter that he wrote a book published in 1985 entitled, Illiterate America. In his book, he claims that people in power support illiteracy because it keeps them in power. He supports his claim by stating that nothing is done to educate illiterate people. It is true that there are few public programs that seek out and attempt to teach the illiterate to read. Many illiterate people, as Kozol points out, rely heavily on what others tell them. They put all of their faith into people that deceive and lie to them. However, there is little that responsible, caring, average citizens can do to help illiterate people with their struggles. There is no evidence that people in power are deliberately keeping the illiterate the way they are. Of course, it may seem that way. There are no social programs that are government sponsored providing free education to illiterate adults, and the issue of illiteracy is not a regular topic of discussion around election time. But Kozol never gives any clear answer as to what benefits people in power do reap by keeping illiterate people illiterate. Powerful people cannot benefit from the fact that illiterate people buy the wrong item sometimes, which is the topic of a lengthy paragraph in his essay. Kozol claims that â€Å"[i]f even one third of all illiterates could vote, and read enough and do sufficient math to vote in their self-interest, Ronald Reagan would not likely have been chosen president†(115). There is no way to predict what may have happened. There is also no premeditated policy of Congress to refuse any proposal of an education program. Responsibility doe s not lie with citizens in a democratic society to educate the illiterate. It is not the duty of an American to seek out illiterate people. In a perfect society, people would take action; and... Free Essays on Illiteracy Eradicating Illiteracy in Our School Literacy is the best indication of a country’s educational status and education is the best path to a country’s prosperity. If this is the case then why does the most affluent and technologically advanced country in the world has a reading problem? The United States has millions of citizens who cannot even read the simple instructions on a can of soup. In a country where education is provided to everyone at no cost how do we end up with so many people who cannot read? How do we break the cycle of illiteracy so that all children have an equal opportunity to succeed in the world? In this paper I will discuss the history, causes, and factors of illiteracy and hopefully some achievable solutions to the problem. The United States started it’s commitment to literacy back in the 18th century when reading and writing were taught to all soldiers and military personnel. In the post industrial revolution America, in an attempt to satisfy employer’s need for literate workers, built schools in the more populated areas of the country. Women, minorities, and those people living in less populated areas had the lowest levels of literacy in the country. Eventually as society progressed, the growing rate of functional illiteracy was noticed and steps were taken to combat it. It seems that this was a case of too little too late. â€Å"At the end of the 19th century, the illiteracy rate was less than 3%. Today, up to 50% of Americans are illiterate or only semi-literate†. Money Not the solution to Illiteracy. (2000). Retrieved January 28, 2002, from eagleforum.org/educate/2000/may00/illiteracy.html. How can so many people be illiterate in this day and age of technology where information on virtually anything can be accessed by the touch of a button or the click of a mouse? Many people blame illiteracy on ba...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Spanish Verbs Related to Tener
Spanish Verbs Related to Tener Tener is one of many verbs in Spanish that can be combined with several prefixes to form new verbs. Although tener doesnt have a cognate (an equivalent word with a common ancestor) in English, the verbs derived from it do, and they are among the English verbs ending in -tain. Thus detener has the same origin as the English detain, mantener is related to maintain, and so on. But just because Englishs -tain words are related to Spanishs -tener verbs doesnt mean that they are exact matches. For example, detener and retener are often interchangeable in Spanish as their meanings can be quite similar, but the English verbs are less likely to be used synonymously. Similarly, the meanings of to hold something up and to defend a viewpoint can both be expressed in Spanish with sostener and mantener, while the English verbs tend to have less overlap in meaning. The Nine Verbs Here are the nine most common Spanish verbs derived from tener along with some of their most usual meanings and sample sentences: Abstener Abstener is usually used in its reflexive form abstenerse and typically means to deliberately refrain from something. It is usually followed by de. Mi padre tiene que abstenerse del alcohol. (My father has to abstain from alcohol.)Me abstengo de pensar en las cosas malas que han pasado. (I refuse to think about the bad things that have happened.)El presidente fue interrumpido por su abogado para que abstuviera de atacar a su rival polà tica. (The president was interrupted by lawyer so that he would keep from attacking his political rival. Atener Atener refers to keeping within some figurative boundaries, such as by heeding instructions or obeying the law. In more general usage, it can refer to merely paying attention to or dealing with a situation. As in the first two examples below, it is often used in the reflexive. Es importante que nos atenemos la ley. (It is important that we obey the law.)Pero no puedo atenerme a ella todo el tiempo. (I cant attend myself to her all the time.)Las autoridades no atienen el problema. (The authorities arent dealing with the problem.) Contener Contener has two categories of meaning: to control or restrain, and to contain or include. La jarra contiene dos litros. (The jug contains two liters.)Muchas veces contuvo su enojo. (She often controlled her anger.)Los champà ºs de limpieza profunda contienen un ingrediente cido como vinagre de manzana. (The deep-cleaning shampoos include a high-acid ingredient such as apple vinegar.) Detener Detener usually means to stop something or detain someone, such as by arresting. La policà a detuvo a once personas. (The police arrested eleven people.)Es importante que detengas todo ese caos. (It is important that you stop all this chaos.) Entretener Meanings of entretener include to distract, to entertain, to delay, and to maintain. Se entretuvieron buscando un coche. (They got distracted looking for a car.)No ha entretenido su coche. (He has not maintained his car.)Se entretenà a por tocar el piano. (She entertained herself by playing the piano.) Mantener Mantener can refer to maintaining in the broad sense of the word, such as by physically supporting, sustaining, remaining, and keeping. Los precios se mantuvieron estables. (Prices remained stable.)Mantenga limpia Espaà ±a. (Keep Spain clean.)Roberto se mantiene con caramelos. (Roberto keeps himself going with candy.)Se ha mantenido como nuevo. (It has been maintained like new.) Obtener Obtener is the cognate of obtain but is used more informally and frequently than the English word. It is often translated as to get. Obtuve la firma del actor. (I got the actors signature.)Quiere obtener dos archivos de audio. (She wants to get two audio files.) Retener Retener has most of the meanings of to retain, such as to retain, to hold back, to deduct, and to keep. Retenieron el avià ³n presidencial por una deuda. (They held back the presidential plane because of a debt.)Muchas empresas retienen impuestos. (Many businesses deduct taxes.)Retengo en la cabeza todos los lugares que he visto. (I retain in my head every place I have seen.) Sostener Like sustain, sostener refers to supporting something. Los tres bloques sostienen la casa. (The three blocks hold up the house.)No puedo sostener mi opinià ³n. (I cant support my position.) Related Words Here are some words that are derived from or otherwise related to the above verbs along with some common meanings: abstemio (teetotaler), abstencià ³n (abstention), abstencionismo (abstentionism)contenedor (container), contenido (contents)detencià ³n (arrest, a halt)entretenido (entertaining), entretenimiento (entertainment, pastime)mantenimiento (maintenance, upkeep)obtencià ³n (an obtaining)retencià ³n (detention, deduction, retention)sostà ©n (a support), sostenido (sustained) Conjugation of the ‘-tener’ Verbs All of the verbs based on tener are conjugated irregularly in the same way that tener is. For example, the first-person singular indicative is of tener is tengo, so the same form of the other verbs are abstengo, atengo, contengo, etc.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Numeracy in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Numeracy in Action - Essay Example This shows that he can visually discriminate one object from another. Nathan can not do the same with numbers. He cannot even recognize which are numbers and which are letters. For him they just look like squiggles and strange marks. Support: Introducing numbers to children should expose them to the visual appearance of each number, the quantity it represents and even the strokes used when writing it down. Flashcards of numbers may be used to imbed the appearance of the number to the child’s mind while its name is repeatedly said. An effective method is teaching counting songs and when the number is mentioned, up comes the flashcard of that number. Children love singing and movement and incorporating these in their learning a concept becomes interesting and fun for them. A story that focuses on a particular number (ex: 2 friends found 2 birds eating 2 apples) is likewise interesting to listen to. A teacher may provide a coloring sheet with a big print of the specific number discussed. These methods may be used with Nathan. The strategies address various learning styles that may suit any child. The variety of activities address the needs of the visual (flashcards and story pictures), auditory (songs and st ory), kinesthetic (movements to songs) and tactile (coloring sheet) learners. Resources/ Materials used: number flashcards; CD’s of number songs (Five Little Monkeys; Five Green Speckled Frogs; There were 10 in the Bed.. etc.); number storybooks; number coloring sheet focusing on 1 number at a time, box of crayons. Case: Hannah has mastered identifying numbers up to 10 and visually comparing sets with more objects or less objects if the quantities are obvious (like comparing a set of 2 buttons with a set of 10 buttons). However, when asked to match a number with its quantity, she wouldn’t know what to do. She has mastered
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Investigative Lab proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Investigative Lab proposal - Assignment Example There is no member of my family who has been diagnosed with blood pressure. According to Edward (46), the body absorbs caffeine better in the early morning hours. Therefore, my experiment will be carried out between 7 am and 9 am in the morning. 6 persons, sphygmomanometer, coffee pot , 6 cups, 20 liters of water, Caffeine pills ( 200 mg each), electronic scale, 1000 ml calibrated cylinder, data collection sheet, nontoxic green permanent marker, fan , coolers and heaters. I will randomly select six of the ten members of our family with age between 30 and 50 and who have not been diagnosed with blood pressure. In each of the group of three members, I will ensure there is at least one member of the opposite sex. Using an electronic scale, I will measure each member of the experiment mass just to be sure that their mass falls around the 68 kg mark. I will use the coffee pot to prepare coffee and three cups to put the prepared coffee every day for two weeks. The other three cups will be used to serve regular water to the other group of three members. Using the permanent marker pen, I will put a mark on the small finger of the first three people for easy identification of the persons who will receive coffee treatment in the first one week. The unmarked persons will receive regular water during the first week. Each person will be given 500 ml of regular water and will be allowed to habituate to their new drink for 24 – hours. The calibrated 1000 ml cylinder will come in handy in measuring the 500 ml of regular water. Then, I will prepare the amount of water with caffeine that I will use for the experiment. On average, an adult weighs 68 kgs and the recommended caffeine dosage is 200 mg. Since a cup of coffee contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine, I will administer one cup of coffee every day for seven days for the first three marked persons. 1 hour after taking the coffee treatment, I will use
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Comparison of Hinduism and Judaism
Comparison of Hinduism and Judaism It is of great importance when comparing religions to take a careful consideration on fundamental beliefs and rituals each religion engages in. this gives and aids in understanding each religion quite clearly. A comparison enables analysis of disparity among different aspects of a religion as it relates to another religion. In this paper, a comparison of Hinduism and Judaism will be analyzed where a comparison of the beliefs of life after death and prayer/worship will be looked at. Judaism is a monotheistic religion and one of the first religions. The faith sorely believes in the reality of one God, who made a covenant, agreement between Him and the Jews. They were promised to be given provision so long as they obeyed the rules and did not deviate from the rules. The rules were originally written in two stone tablets and are known as The Ten Commandments, this rules and regulations are supposed to govern the interactions between man and man, and man with God. Jews do not try to convert other members of other religions as they regard themselves as specially and purposely chosen by God. Unlike the Judaism, it is extremely difficult to categorize Hinduism as either polytheistic or monotheistic because of the fundamental faith in the Universal spirit. Hindus believe in several gods and goddesses; but they are all reflections and dimensions of one Supreme Being Brahman or the Universal Spirit. Hinduism holds true that all in the universe is cyclic. The world has be en created, sustained, and destroyed many times. The god presents himself in three forms: Brahma, who created the world, Vishnu, who sustains and Shiva, who destroys the universe and begins the cycle again. Hindu people generally worship Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu is said to have a kindly nature and is thought to try to protect the wellbeing of humanity. The god descends from heavens to earth in a physical form on every occasion a cataclysm faces the cosmos or if humankind needs consolation and guidance (Linda, 189). On the other hand Vishnu is exceptionally drawn in with humanity, Shiva is detached from people. He is from time to time reflected meditating alone. He has immense supremacy and is further than the parameters of good and evil. He saves man by removing mans sins. Judaism as well as Hinduism has faith that God is omnipresent and omnipotent; He is the creator, the protector and the destroyer. The Sustenance of the humanity on the earth simply relies heavily on the will of Go d and nothing ever moves without His doing. Prayer/worship is intertwined in the Hinduism and Judaism lifestyle. Prayer is the way of communication and worship (devotion) with God. Prayer is seen as an essential and innate act of relating with the gods. Judaism and Hinduism prayers are usually said in the morning, afternoon and evening. Prayers are basically used to call upon gods or diverse supernatural powers, for the interests of the people as individuals and as a community. Hindus use prayer books. Perhaps the most powerful Hindu prayer books are the Vedic hymns. During the utterance and recitation of the prayers the sounds and content of the prayer must be observed and a great stress is laid on the mode and process in which they are recited. Its believed that when a prayer is not properly chanted or the syllables arent pronounced correctly it could bring harm and may not lead to the intended purpose. Provided the Vedic mantras are chanted in the appropriate way and in accordance to a specific rhythm its believed they cont ain alluring mystical command to summon supernatural beings. The prayers praise the virtues and potencies of various gods and goddesses in order to seek favors from them. During public ceremonies the mantras are chanted loudly whereas there are some mantras, principally the private mantras which are meant to be kept undisclosed. The rules of Hinduism also stipulate that mantras should not be disclosed to those that are religiously lame and therefore unqualified. Deep devotional songs and dances accompany the prayers. In the spiritual realm of a Hindu worshipper a prayer has a greater implication. Incessant recitation of gods name is believed to lead to cleansing of the mind and internal transformation. It is seen as the most effective way of developing a close association with God and realizes the inner self. Puja is a daily ritual done in a sacred corner in a worship room of the home it keeps the Hindus aware of their family gods and mindful of their duties as individuals. Puja inv olves three steps: The first is seeing the family deity (darshana). A small statue or picture of the god is placed in the sacred spot. The second step is the worship of the god, or puja. The worshiper offers the god flowers, fruits, and cooked food (bhog). The third step is retrieving the blessed food (prasada) and consuming it (Van, 11). Prayer in the Judaism consists: Shacharit in the morning, Minchah and Maariv, in late afternoon and evening. On the Sabbath, there is an additional service, Mussaf, added on to the morning. One prayer is essential to each devotion service, morning and night, weekday, Shabbat, and holiday: the Amidah the Standing Prayer, which is also known as the Shmoneh Esrai, the Eighteen blessings, or the Silent Devotion, its a key prayer in many services, and it is the declaration of faith, Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God! The Lord is One! (Van, 21). Its generally accepted that prayers should be recited privately and in solitude but sometimes Judaism encourages prayer in the company of others and for this basis Jews often try to come together to pray in public. Prayer is just like a second part of a person life, a daily diet. In that way, one comes to be peaceful speaking terms with God, who, in turn, becomes accessible, almost a dialogue partner. It is the peak experience of the prayer servi ce, emphasized by taking three steps backward to withdraw symbolically from your surroundings and three steps forward to symbolically enter the presence of Almighty God. It is recited silently, standing, and occasionally bowing (Linda, 190). Unlike the Hinduism where prayers are directed to gods, supernatural spirits and goddesses Judaism prayers are directed to God alone. Worship in both religions involves a strong observance of rules and guidelines in dressing, diet and general lifestyle as a way of maintaining external purity. The outer purity is perceived to be important in inculcating purity. Afterlife entails those beliefs held about life after an individual has died (Fisher, 156). Judaism and Hinduism believe in life after death. Jews have the suggestion of Heaven as their afterlife, they hold that if they have done right in the life they lived on Earth, and then they shall spend eternity in Heaven with their God. The Hindus accept as true that you are reincarnated until you reach the Brahma. Hindus believe in Karma which is the belief that if you do good things, then good things shall happen to you and vice versa (Selwyn, 19). When you die your final death in Hinduism, you reach the Brahma where the excruciating sequence of regeneration is finally ruined. Hinduism assumes the eternal reality of a universal spirit that guides all life on earth. A piece of the spirit called the atman is trapped inside humans and other living creatures. The most important desire of the atman is to be reunited with the universal spirit, and every aspect of an individuals life is governed b y it. When someone dies, their atman may be reunited, but most usually is reborn in a new body. A persons caste membership is a clear indication of how close he or she is to the desired reunion. While many differences are found among the doctrine and beliefs of life after death between these two religions some similarities also do exist, like how they have certain rules that their followers must obey to make it to heaven for the Judaism and Niverna for the Hinduism (Selwyn, 26). Each of the religions has guild lines and regulations that tell you what you should do to be a good person and appease their God or gods. They teach people how to live a correct life, and how to be kind to others while they are living on the Earth. Both religions believe in a final quiescent position for the spirit and both faiths hold high moral demeanor for their members such as benevolence to the underprivileged and altruistic sense of duty. Both religions also have sacred texts that are fundamental to their religions and provide instructions pertaining to relationship between people and God, and amongst people themselves. Also instructions pertaining to lifestyle, worship and performance of ritua ls are found in the sacred books. The religions have sacred locations where pilgrimages are undertaken by the faithful. Work cited Van Voorst, Robert. Anthology of World Scriptures. 7th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010: 11-25. Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. New York: Prentice Hall, 2007: 151-159. Linda Woodhead, Paul Heelas. Religion in Modern Times: An Interpretive Anthology. New York: Willey Blackwell, 2007: 188-191. Selwyn Gurney. The Worlds Great Religions: An Anthology of Sacred Texts. Phoenix: Dover Publishers, 2009: 10-31.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The New Economic Policy
How far were economic problems responsible for Stalin’s decision to replace the New Economic Policy in 1928 with the first Five-Year Plan ? There seemed to be various reasons why Stalin decided to replace the New Economic Policy with the first Five-Year Plan in 1928. These included economic problems, the role of ideology, a fear of invasion and political considerations. Although economic problems certainly were an important reason for Stalin’s decision, the most significant reason must have been political, since the consolidation of his power position had always been Stalin’s prime concern.The occurrence of economic problems presumably played a major role in Stalin’s decision to move away from the New Economic Policy (NEP), although it must be noted that, before that time, the NEP had had its, albeit limited, success: By 1925 the NEP had returned the economy to its pre-war levels, and by 1927 both agriculture and industrial production exceeded their pre-wa r level. However, the NEP had run into problems such as the scissors crisis in 1924 and the grain procurement crisis of 1927-28.For Stalin and many pragmatists who had supported the NEP because it had been working, the grain procurement crisis brought matters to a head. Russia was by 1928 still an economically backward country compared to the large economies of Western Europe and especially the USA. Farming methods still were fundamentally backwards and unproductive. In industry there was a genuine necessity for the economy to develop and compete with western competitors far ahead of Russia.Economic problems were likely to be a catalyst for the bold measures of the first Five-Year Plan, since Stalin felt that without it Russia would keep lagging behind. Ideological aspects too seemed to matter in Stalin’s decision making, although his own ideological position can be seen as somewhat blurred, since he used to frequently change policies according to what suited him best in his pursuit of a leading role in the Communist Party. For example, before his policy U-turn in 1928 Stalin had defended the NEC against opposition from the left wing of the Party.By 1927-28, when the NEP began to experience problems, Stalin sensed that stressing Communist ideological believes would gain him a lot of support. Many Communists, especially those of the left wing, saw the NEP as a retreat from Marxist, anti-capitalist principles and the urban working class resented the special position of the peasants under the NEP. Growing mass unemployment in the towns and food shortages combined with the ideological distaste felt by many Communists for the NEP and the Nepmen.This led Stalin to wage a class war against the peasants and the Kulaks in particular, branding those who would resist collectivisation as ’enemies of the people’ or ’enemies of the revolution. ’ Communist ideology played their part in Stalin’s decision making since it ensured suppor t not only from the Party but also from the workers and gave Stalin the moral grounds to prevail and secure control of the state. A fear of invasion must also have been influential in Stalin’s decision, as since back during the Civil War of 1918-21, when the western powers had clearly supported the ’Whites’, the Communists had a certain suspicion for them.Russia found itself in a far from ideal international climate during the late 1920s, which clearly suggested that the Soviet Union was surrounded by hostile nations which undermined its national security. Stalin seemed to have felt the necessity for both setting up self-sufficiency in food production and industrialise rapidly in order to built up the armed forces and prepare Russia for war against the capitalist powers, or, as he would say at a Party meeting ’Either we do it – or they crush us. Since under the NEP these goals were unlikely to be accomplished, a fear of invasion probably was an imp ortant motivator behind the shift to the first Five-Year Plan. Finally, and most importantly, political considerations led Stalin to replace the NEP. It could be seen as a continuation of the leadership struggle that had set in after the death of Lenin in 1924 and demonstrated Stalin’s victory over Bukharin, who was the leading advocate of the NEP. Stalin could show that he was able to apply his own policies and, in doing so, consolidate his position.The Plan would further gain him the support of the left wing of the Communist Party, which had been leaderless when Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky were defeated and humiliated in 1927. In addition, he still advocated socialism in one country and therefore appealed to Russian nationalism. Self-sufficiency in food production and not being dependant on foreign grain imports was popular as it would make Russia appear stronger and save money which could be used to improve living conditions.Political considerations were of prime importa nce to Stalin since he knew that if he could deliver all these things, it would serve the basic aim of securing his leadership position for the time to come. Overall, while it was possibly a combination of all factors discussed that played a role in Stalin’s decision to abandon the NEP in favour of the first Five-Year Plan, political considerations must have been the major driving force.However urgent a resolution of the pressing economic problems was, Stalin had proven consistently throughout the leadership challenge of 1924-1928 that his basic aim was the consolidation of his power. He had repeatedly changed his policies to decimate both the left and right wing of the Party. Like so many times before, it is quite probable that his decision was yet another piece of opportunism. Had it not been for the unpopularity of the NEP among many Party members, it is questionable whether Stalin would have taken such bold steps.
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