Monday, December 23, 2019
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Grendel - 725 Words
Giuliano Lerza Ms. Rogalcheck Honors English 3 10/29/17 Grendel Point of View Essay Both the epic poem Beowulf and the novel Grendel depict the same storyline, but from different point of views. Grendel’s personality tends to be much more evil than he himself depicts in the novel. Since Grendel is the narrator of the novel, the audience only gets to know what the story is like from his point of view, which he stretches the truth on numerous occasions. But, in Beowulf, the poem has a narrator and is in the third person omniscient, this means the audience knows how all the characters and feeling, thinking, or saying. Also, the theme nature vs. nurture appears a lot in Grendel which means his viewpoints on certain things are either†¦show more content†¦When he was young, she used to stare into his soul and that was how she would show her affection. To many this may not seem like a form of affection, but to Grendel it was. Other things such as his feelings to the animals all around him are based on his nature. He hates all of them and he feels like he w ill get his revenge on them especially in his final hours. Also, another example of nurture could be the hatred he feels for his home which he has been growing up in his whole life. In addition, Grendel’s mother plays a big role in the novel and the relationship between Grendel and her seems complicated. In Grendel, Grendel calls his mother mean names such as fat, but Grendel does love his mother. The only reason why he can not show her any affection, she does not speak the same language he does. This explains why she stared into his soul at often times because it was her way of showing him affection. She would also do things like smother him in her and although he did not like it, he took it because he knew this was one of her few ways of showing him she loved him. Finally, Grendel the novel and Beowulf the epic poem are so similar yet so different. The stories both have different point of views and have different moods, but tell the same story. Also, the theme of nature vs. nurture is a common theme throughout the novel Grendel while good vs. evil is the theme of the epic poem Beowulf. Grendel’sShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast: Beowulf and Grendel Essay604 Words  | 3 PagesThere are many similarities and differences between the movie Beowulf and Grendel, to the poem. Major differences between the movie and the poem would be Grendel himself. In the poem, he is described as an evil monster born from two demons. In the movie, Grendel is actually human, but known as a troll to the warriors and Danes. The poem doesn’t give the background of Grendel or show how the Danes killed his father and the possible reason of his revenge, like in the movie. If the witch, Selma, wasRead MoreCompare and Contrast How Grendel Is Portrayed i n Grendel and Beowulf881 Words  | 4 PagesIn Grendel, the story is told from Grendels point of view. Therefore he is not viewed as a killing machine. In Beowulf however, it is the exact opposite. Grendel is seen as a monster who is terrorizing Hrothgars people. The way Grendel is portrayed in Grendel is different from the way he is portrayed in Beowulf regarding his initiative and purpose. Grendel is portrayed the same in both stories when it comes to his actions and his nature. Grendels initiative in Grendel is mainly self defenseRead MoreEssay about A Comparison of Beowulf and Grendel935 Words  | 4 PagesThe story of Beowulf is a heroic epic chronicling the illustrious deeds of the great Geatish warrior Beowulf, who voyages across the seas to rid the Danes of an evil monster, Grendel, who has been wreaking havoc and terrorizing the kingdom. Beowulf is glorified for his heroic deeds of ridding the land of a fiendish monster and halting its scourge of evil while the monster is portrayed as a repugnant creature who deserves to die because of its evil actions. In the epic poem, Beowulf the authors portraysRead MoreGrendel vs. Beowulf Comparison901 Words  | 4 Pagestranslation of Beowulf and John Gardner’s Grendel. Both novels are based on the idea of Beowulf killing Grendel. However, the two different points of view telling the story create vastly different novels. Beowulf highlights the heroic and positive world in which Beowulf lives. Where as Grendel elucidates on the miserable life that Grendel is circumscribed to. The consistent variance in tone skews the events in two completely different directions. The tone between Beowulf and Grendel differ in perceptionRead More Comparing Two Heros - Beowulf and Odysseus Essays618 Words  | 3 PagesHeros - Beowulf and Odysseus Reading through Beowulf I began to compare it to the last great epic I read, Homer’s Odyssey. While the Odyssey and Beowulf are each examples of both historic and modern ideas of heroism, the acts of Beowulf’s hero seem to fit better within its context. Beowulf exhibits many obvious heroic qualities, such as his strength and confidence in battle. These along with more subtle diplomatic actions serve to define him as both a great warrior and leader. Beowulf showsRead MoreBeowulf, By William Shakespeare1512 Words  | 7 PagesThere is so much more at play in Beowulf than just heroism and monstrousness (for lack of a better term) and their interrelation; however, a great deal of the poem’s meaning derives from the parallels between them. It is clear from his depiction in the poem Beowulf that the titular hero is clearly drawn as a parallel to the very monsters he fights. To today’s reader, the poet’s attempt to create this similarity may be off-putting. After all, the meaning of ‘monster’ is likely different than thatRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Beowulf And Achilles1104 Words  | 5 Pages†¢ Achilles and Beowulf both were born of high importance and were known throughout the lands. Beowulf and Achilles fought for two different reasons. Beowulf was being a help by contributing his talents with the defeating of Grendel. He never was even asked to do it, he volunteered him self. Beowulf used his talents to conquer bad monsters and super naturals in a good way. Achilles on the other hand was a talented fighter who used his strengths to conquer and kill Hector, the man who killed his friendRead MoreAchilles vs Beowulf compare and contrast Essay1150 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Compare and contrast Achilles vs Beowulf The way of the warriors Achilles and Beowulf were two characters that had an amazing power that made his name lives for hundreds of years. Great warriors need some to have some specific characteristics to reach their fame because we have seem in some heroes that they have gods strong, a unique way to be and goals to achieve. Comparing the character of Achilles and Beowulf who were two of the best warrior of the history we could know if there areRead MoreOedipusBeowulfFinalDraft Essay1667 Words  | 7 PagesOctober 2014 Oedipus and Beowulf Compare and Contrast Essay Oedipus Rex and Beowulf are two entirely different works in terms of the cultures that they were written for. Oedipus Rex was written by the Greek playwright Sophocles in about 430 B.C., and Beowulf was written a few hundred years before 1000 C.E., when it was transcribed from the Anglo-Saxon language. Despite these obvious differences, the two works share identical archetypes. Not only do Oedipus Rex and Beowulf include evil monsters andRead MoreCompare and Contrast of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight600 Words  | 3 PagesCompare and Contrast of Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf is an epic poem that was written in the Anglo-Saxon time period where only a few privileged people were able to read and write while Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which is also an epic poem, was written in the Middle English time period where reading and writing was more wide-spread. While both the epic poem Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight have similar protagonists, the main character of each poem also has
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Reading and Writing Development Free Essays
Reading and Writing Development Tyesha Woods March 10, 2013 ADE/202 Susan Clark The two age groups that I have chosen are early childhood and middle childhood. Early childhood ranges from two to six years of age and middle childhood ranges from six to ten years of age. In the beginning stages of early childhood the child would not be reading or writing just yet. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading and Writing Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now But they would be starting to learn how to read and to write. They should be learning how to recognize letters and how to put them together to form words. At the end of this stage the child should be able to read and write, or they should be at the beginning stages of reading and writing. The beginning stages of middle childhood the child should be at the beginning stages of reading and writing. By the end of the middle childhood the child’s reading and writing skills should be more advance. They should be able to read at a higher level. They should be able to take spelling words and look them up in the dictionary, write out the words, and make the words into sentences. For the children in early child the material that I would use would be handouts. The handouts will have the letters for the kids to trace. Then they would a beginners reading book. They would have to read the book and they would have to write about what they read. Another thing that I would do, is give the children an assignment where they had to match up the word with the picture. For example if the handout had pictures of a dog, cat, kite and cow the child would have to match the word with the picture. That should help with the reading aspect. For the writing I would have the child write the words out two times each. The material that I would use for the children in middle childhood is vocabulary and reading. I would give spelling words and assign to read a book. As far as the spelling words the first thing that I would do is have the students write out the words five times each so that they can get know the words. The second thing that I would do is, have the children look up the words in the dictionary. Another thing that I would do is having the students make sentences out of the words that I have given them. The finale thing that I would do is to give the students a spelling test. Now for the reading I would assign the children a book to read and the students, would have to read a few pages at a time. By the end of the week the student should finished the book, and as a weekend assignment they would have to write a small book report. The book report would have to tell what they read. I would also ask the children to write down the words that they did not understand. So, that I could take the words and turn them into spelling words. I would do this so that children would have a better understanding of the words that the children did not understand. I feel that these methods will help the children to improve their reading and writing skills. For both groups I would ask the parents to get involved with the children’s schoolwork. I would ask the parents to make sure that the kids do the work when the children are home. I will give the children work packets to take home so that they can keep practicing their work. The work that I would give would be done when the kids have spring break or on the weekend. I would do this so that the kids will not forget what they have learned in school. I would not give so much work that it would take away from the kids time off, but just enough to keep them sharp when it comes to their school work. I would recommend that the parents do the work with the children for two hours out of the day. The parents and the teachers need to work together. That is why I keep saying that the parents can help the child; the teachers can help the child while they are at school. The parents help at home by making sure that the child does the schoolwork and the teacher will check to make sure that the child did the work. If the parents and the teachers work together they can both help the child to strengthen their reading and writing skills. References Teresa M. McDevitt and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod. (2004). Child Development: Educating and Working with Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from Teresa M. McDevitt and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, ADE202 website. How to cite Reading and Writing Development, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Financial and Management Reporting Requirement
Questions: 1. Discuss the important issues in determining the financial and management reporting requirements. 2. Assess who are the important groups to liaise with if there are any reporting issues. 3. Evaluate how you would plan to ensure that deadlines are met and all reporting issues are resolved. Answers: Introduction This report encompasses with the applications and practices of the management accounting in the hospitality and tourism industry. In the recent years, the world has experienced a rapid growth in this industry which leads to the consequences of complex transformation from the global competition in the market through the evolution of the technological advances. Therefore, the organizations are compelling themselves to redefine their business foundations and seek solution to survive and prosper in the long run. However, Management Accounting has evolved in this response to the productive changes and considering the new horizons for the organizational environment. This influences the strategy for developing the accounting system adopted by the firm (Urquidi, 2013). Intercontinental Hotel Group is one of the most recognized multinational hotel companies in the world, founded in 2003. It owns seven brands in the hotel industry providing the facilities of high class aimed at serving the leisure traveler and discerning business. Its headquarter is located in Denham, United Kingdom. The company generates more than 80% of profit from the predominant franchised and managed hotels. The company has developed its strategy to take the advantage of the increasing popularity across the new market and low cost airlines. It has done substantial investment to develop its brand with the successful refinancing strategy (ihgplc, 2016) Discussion Intercontinental group of hotels has set their reporting standards according to Australian Accounting Board (AASB). The laws institutionalized by the organization are based on the Corporations Law Entities mentioned under the section 296 of Corporations Act 2001. These laws and standards comprises of general purpose financial reports issued by the reporting entities of private sector. This organization has taken the measured approach for making evaluation of the financial and prudential implications of IFRS. It is necessary for every organization to comply with the financial reporting standards (Perera Chand, 2015). The main role of the organization behind the compliance of the financial reporting standards is: To develop a conceptual framework for the purpose of evaluation of the proposed standards. Formulation of the accounting standards for the other purposes. To participate and make contribution in the development of the single set of accounting standards for making it worldwide use. To advance and promote the main object of the Part 12 of the ASIC Act that includes reduction of cost of capital, enabling the entities to complete effectively the confidence of overseas and local investors in the economy (Ball, 2006). While making determination of the financial and reporting requirements, the reporting team has monitored a wide variety of issues just because of the attraction created by the global organizations in the market. Implementation of the financial reporting standard is a challenge for the non-public accountable entities (Schipper, 2003). As per the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the International Reporting Standards (IFRS) is circulated by the requirements of removing the reconciliation for the foreign private issuers. For the Intercontinental Group of Hotels, preparation of the financial statements is always a demanding responsibility for the group requiring for the input of the highly trained professionals. The financial reporting standards are the result of the efforts of the standard setters. They provide information related to the financial statements while making balance of the costs and the required budget. With the growing complexities of the Hospitality and tourism industry and their transactions, the demands of the public scrutiny and regulatory bodies has added value to the reporting standards(Gebhardt, 2006). The following are the complexities that are faced by the organization while making determination of the reporting and management requirements: Increase in Complex Business Operations: Sometimes, businesses use structures, financial instruments and structures that are very complex for the management of exposures and the operations of the business. The apportionment of the risks and rewards were not recorded in the past decades. It increases the complexities of the reporting requirements mainly in the case of rapid changes which increases the difficulties in domestic and international reporting requirements. Complexities of the regulatory framework: The current regulatory system of the nation is not optimal. It requires the General Purpose Financial Reporting Standards for entities that confuses the companies for the special purpose needs. It was found that 41 percent of the businesses are nominated for the 'changes in rules and regulations' as the biggest driver for rising business complexities from the last two years. Additionally, the task force has determined that there are some aspects of accounting standards that has increased the complexities such as: The current body of financial reporting requirements has required for the mix of principles and rules that are complicated and promoted the professional requirements. The current accounting framework is using the hybrid measurement frameworks such as mixture of cost value and fair value. The situation where there is impact of the fair value reported through profits shows concerns for the volatility and obscuring of trends. The requirements of the IFRS are applied in a very exceptional case. There are significant differences in the valuation placed on the similar basis, when assets and liabilities are not identical. Changing attitudes of the Stakeholders and Businesses: This creates an aversion to the risk created by the companies, auditors, directors and preparers in litigious to more responsive environments. This gives birth to the behavior of key parties, particularly auditors and prepares of "when in doubt, disclose'. Development of the Integrated Reporting: Such interest are brought by the current workforce for the development of integrated reporting and welcomes the interests of the companies and shareholders for making improvement in the communication. The requirement of companies is very less at the early stages(Ball, Infrastructure Requirements fInfrastructure Requirements for an Economically Efficient System of Public Financial Reporting and Disclosure, 2001). The company predominantly manages and franchises its hotels with the enabling strategy to grow its business, generating high returns on the capital invested by the firm. They operate its business on behalf of the owners of the third party hotels. To drive the expansion and growth in the business, Intercontinental Hotel Group makes its presence in the priority market. The company consists of the key persons identifying and managing the related issues with the accounting. In order to overcome with the strategic business issues, the company established the integral part of the business vision stronger, offering the most consistent experience to the owners and customers of the company. Intercontinental Hotel Group manages more than 650 hotels across the world having control over its activities. To implement its strategy, it is closely related with the owners of the hotel shape the hotel to with the support of the management tool. The companys owners and holders of the franchisee reports in the hotel on the issues related to the community and environmental activities. However the company provides training for the hospitality jobs in their local communities. It also communicates with the employees about the business information and their performance to solve the issues valuing the company's prominent feature in the global management process (Dumitru, Calu, Gorgan, Adriana, 2011) The company formally reports to the shareholders twice in a year and holds regular meetings with the major institutional shareholders to discuss about the company's performance, plans progress and its objectives. If there is rise in the reporting issues, the company report to its shareholders and suppliers. The company engages with its stakeholders to gain the related insight on its key issues relevant to the prior assessment areas determined by the business. It continues to develop the feedback from its stakeholders to strengthen its activities and the engagement programme (Ihgplc, 2011) To develop the strategy, the organization need to have the information on the activities and the services it performs to develop the plans with the view to keep the financial data in costing and budgeting the related services. The management accounting techniques aims to determine the structure of the company and its revenue according to the principle of managerial costing. It results into many differences with the application of the accounting methods and techniques. These issues are needed to be considered with the related managerial person to evaluate the company's performance and making the decisions according to the framework of the company. However, it is essential for the company to have good relations with their stakeholders so that the issues can be resolved easily and efficiently. Through this analysis, the identification and assess of the influencing issues can be significantly address with the presence of the important key people of the company. It develops its services a ccording to the need and requirement of the customers in the organization with the less arising issues. Therefore, to expand the reach of Intercontinental Hotel Group, the company develops the strategies identifying the needs of the customer and managing its managerial accounting to lead in the industry and achieve greater success across the globe (Sunarni, 2013) Most of the organization embraces its sustainability in its reporting issues and managing the system processed by the management. Most of the department tend to posses and improve the reporting process in order to ensure that deadlines are easily met and all the issues are resolved on the priority basis. The business leaders are playing a major role in supporting the operational decision making. The company is pressurized to provide the accurate and reliable managerial information efficiently on time to meet the standards. To address these internal and external reporting issues the company seeks the effective ways in optimizing the efforts of the business activities. There are various significant opportunities for ensuring the deadlines of the report, make better financial decisions, and improving the transparency to the key holders of the company. Through the consideration of the factors available across the business dimension, highly sustainable structure and strategy of the busine ss can be developed. However, through proper planning all the reporting issues can be easily resolved and met with the deadline (Bonner, Hastie, Sprinkle, Young, 2000) The company should determine the desired results and monitor the progress of the business by developing the effective plan. The reporting objectives of the overall strategy of the organization should be aligned properly and drives a close check on its key performance. Intercontinental Hotel Group should also consider the opportunities throughout the reporting cycle. The changes should be implemented according to the desired accounting standards. The finance and management accounting function should be properly aligned to enable the strategy of the organization. The alternative operating models of the management accounting must be evaluated to focus on the degree of centralization of the overall function of the finance in the reporting issue. The roles and responsibilities should be clearly assigned to the management. It helps in the contribution of the goals and objectives of the company. This helps in managing the accounting issues proactively and performs the accounting analysis pr operly (pwc, 2007) Conclusion Management accounting plays a very important role in the improvement and success of the business. The accounting investigates the managers exercise in the discretion and reporting issues. The company defined their business policies in such a manner that it survives and prospers for the long period of time. However, Management Accounting has evolved in this response to the productive changes and considering the new horizons for the organizational environment. Intercontinental group of hotels has set their reporting standards according to the laws institutionalized by the country and are based on the Corporations Law Entities. The company has developed the management approach for making evaluation of the financial and prudential implications of IFRS (Stede, 2016). Therefore, the company should implement the alternatives for analyzing the financial statements in more detailed manner and the management accounting needs to be considered with the exercise of the accounting discretion. References Ball, R. (2001). Infrastructure Requirements fInfrastructure Requirements for an Economically Efficient System of Public Financial Reporting and Disclosure. Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services , 127-169. Ball, R. (2006). International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): pros and cons for investors. Accounting and Business Research. Bonner, S. E., Hastie, R., Sprinkle, G. B., Young, S. M. (2000). A Review of the Effects of Financial Incentives on Performance in Laboratory Tasks: Implications for Management Accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 12(1), 19-64. Dumitru, M., Calu, D. A., Gorgan, C. (2011). A Historical Approach Of Change In Management Accounting Topics Published In Romania. Accounting and Management Information Systems, 10(3), 375- 396. Gebhardt, H. D. (2006). International financial reporting standards and experts perceptions of disclosure quality. A journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, 461-498.
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