Monday, December 23, 2019
Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Grendel - 725 Words
Giuliano Lerza Ms. Rogalcheck Honors English 3 10/29/17 Grendel Point of View Essay Both the epic poem Beowulf and the novel Grendel depict the same storyline, but from different point of views. Grendel’s personality tends to be much more evil than he himself depicts in the novel. Since Grendel is the narrator of the novel, the audience only gets to know what the story is like from his point of view, which he stretches the truth on numerous occasions. But, in Beowulf, the poem has a narrator and is in the third person omniscient, this means the audience knows how all the characters and feeling, thinking, or saying. Also, the theme nature vs. nurture appears a lot in Grendel which means his viewpoints on certain things are either†¦show more content†¦When he was young, she used to stare into his soul and that was how she would show her affection. To many this may not seem like a form of affection, but to Grendel it was. Other things such as his feelings to the animals all around him are based on his nature. He hates all of them and he feels like he w ill get his revenge on them especially in his final hours. Also, another example of nurture could be the hatred he feels for his home which he has been growing up in his whole life. In addition, Grendel’s mother plays a big role in the novel and the relationship between Grendel and her seems complicated. In Grendel, Grendel calls his mother mean names such as fat, but Grendel does love his mother. The only reason why he can not show her any affection, she does not speak the same language he does. This explains why she stared into his soul at often times because it was her way of showing him affection. She would also do things like smother him in her and although he did not like it, he took it because he knew this was one of her few ways of showing him she loved him. Finally, Grendel the novel and Beowulf the epic poem are so similar yet so different. The stories both have different point of views and have different moods, but tell the same story. Also, the theme of nature vs. nurture is a common theme throughout the novel Grendel while good vs. evil is the theme of the epic poem Beowulf. Grendel’sShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast: Beowulf and Grendel Essay604 Words  | 3 PagesThere are many similarities and differences between the movie Beowulf and Grendel, to the poem. Major differences between the movie and the poem would be Grendel himself. In the poem, he is described as an evil monster born from two demons. In the movie, Grendel is actually human, but known as a troll to the warriors and Danes. The poem doesn’t give the background of Grendel or show how the Danes killed his father and the possible reason of his revenge, like in the movie. If the witch, Selma, wasRead MoreCompare and Contrast How Grendel Is Portrayed i n Grendel and Beowulf881 Words  | 4 PagesIn Grendel, the story is told from Grendels point of view. 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